IT Framework (IT-CMF)
The gold standard for the management of IT Value and IT-Enabled Innovation.
The IT Capability Maturity Framework is a framework specifically created to derive real, measurable business value from IT. It helps organisations devise more robust strategies, make better-informed decisions, and perform more effectively, efficiently and consistently.
IT Capability Maturity Framework (IT-CMF)
Organizations, both public and private, are constantly challenged to innovate and generate real value.
CIOs are uniquely well-positioned to meet these challenges and to adopt the role of business transformation partner, helping their organizations to grow and prosper with innovative, IT-enabled products, services, and processes.
A Holistic, Business-Led Approach that is:
IT Management Critical Capabilities
Capability Building Blocks + Individual Maturity Profiles
Maturity Assessment Questions
The Four Macro-Capabilities
IT-CMF is divided into four Macro-Capabilities. Click on the links below to find out more.
The 37 Critical Capabilities
IT Capability Maturity Framework™ (IT-CMF™) is a comprehensive suite of proven management practices, assessment approaches and improvement strategies covering 37 management disciplines or Critical Capabilities (CCs).
For each capability, IT-CMF incorporates a comprehensive suite of maturity profiles, assessment methods, and improvement roadmaps – these are expressed in business language that can be used to guide discussions on setting goals and evaluating performance.
Capability Improvement Programme
IT-CMF & Other Frameworks
IT-CMF acts as a unifying (or umbrella) framework that complements other domain-specific frameworks already in use in the organization, helping to resolve conflicts between them, and filling gaps in their coverage.
When used in this way, IT-CMF provides a holistic view that facilitates the identification of any weaknesses in the value delivery chain, and helps drive improvement.
Want to find out more about how IT-CMF can help transform your business?
Buy the IT-CMF Management Guide
New: IT-CMF – A Management Guide
Based on the IT Capability Maturity Frameworkâ„¢ (IT-CMFâ„¢) 2nd edition
Buy the Body of Knowledge
IT Capability Maturity Frameworkâ„¢ (IT-CMFâ„¢) 2nd edition