IT Framework (IT-CMF)

The gold standard for the management of IT Value and IT-Enabled Innovation.

The IT Capability Maturity Framework is a framework specifically created to derive real, measurable business value from IT. It helps organisations devise more robust strategies, make better-informed decisions, and perform more effectively, efficiently and consistently.

IT Capability Maturity Framework (IT-CMF)

Organizations, both public and private, are constantly challenged to innovate and generate real value.

CIOs are uniquely well-positioned to meet these challenges and to adopt the role of business transformation partner, helping their organizations to grow and prosper with innovative, IT-enabled products, services, and processes.

The IT function needs to manage an array of discrete but interdependent disciplines focused on the generation of IT-enabled agility, innovation and value. IT-CMF helps organizations devise more robust strategies, make better-informed decisions, and perform more effectively, efficiently and consistently.

A Holistic, Business-Led Approach that is:


IT-CMF helps organizations to develop enduring IT capabilities.


It is underpinned by coherent concepts and principles that help stakeholders to agree strategic goals, implement planned actions and evaluate performance.


It complements other, domain-specific frameworks already in use in the organization and fills in gaps in coverage.


It can be used to guide performance improvement in organizations of any size and in any sector.


IT Management Critical Capabilities

Capability Building Blocks + Individual Maturity Profiles

Maturity Assessment Questions

The Four Macro-Capabilities

IT-CMF is divided into four Macro-Capabilities. Click on the links below to find out more.

The 37 Critical Capabilities

IT Capability Maturity Framework™ (IT-CMF™) is a comprehensive suite of proven management practices, assessment approaches and improvement strategies covering 37 management disciplines or Critical Capabilities (CCs).

For each capability, IT-CMF incorporates a comprehensive suite of maturity profiles, assessment methods, and improvement roadmaps – these are expressed in business language that can be used to guide discussions on setting goals and evaluating performance.

it-cmf critical capabilities chart


We have a range of assessments using the IT-CMF that can be tailored to fit your specific needs, using the methodology of the framework

Capability Improvement Programme

After completing an assessment what happens next? IVI has a flexible organisational change methodology and toolset designed to facilitate the implementation of IT-CMF

IT-CMF & Other Frameworks

IT-CMF acts as a unifying (or umbrella) framework that complements other domain-specific frameworks already in use in the organization, helping to resolve conflicts between them, and filling gaps in their coverage.

The IT Capability Maturity Framework
Organizations that are already using other frameworks or approaches in discrete areas of their operation can use IT-CMF to integrate them into a coherent whole and to fill in any gaps between them.

When used in this way, IT-CMF provides a holistic view that facilitates the identification of any weaknesses in the value delivery chain, and helps drive improvement.

Want to find out more about how IT-CMF can help transform your business?

it-cmf management guide

Buy the IT-CMF Management Guide

New: IT-CMF – A Management Guide
Based on the IT Capability Maturity Frameworkâ„¢ (IT-CMFâ„¢) 2nd edition

Buy the Body of Knowledge

IT Capability Maturity Frameworkâ„¢ (IT-CMFâ„¢) 2nd edition