Richard Straub, President of the Global Drucker Forum has issued a call to arms for a Next Management initiative which mobilizes organizations to create a constructive framework for joint action to leverage management to improve society. Indeed, Peter Drucker saw the role of management to help the proper functioning of society. Deming also estimated that 85% of all systems problems are management problems. Perhaps there is no greater challenge and indeed opportunity for management than improving the global healthcare industry and systems.
Drucker famously said “Every organization, whether a business or not, needs a theory of the business. Indeed, a valid theory that is clear, consistent, and focused is extraordinarily powerful”. While we have such remarkable progress in global health over two centuries, with average life expectancy more than doubling, it is now clear that there is a significant crisis in Healthcare and I believe that Healthcare’s theory of the Business is broken. Driven by the ‘rule of rescue’ too often care is delivered in the most expensive place, i.e. an acute hospital and at the last possible moment, often in an ED department. Michael Porter of Harvard University has said in Healthcare, “too many people get paid more to do the wrong thing” which is additional evidence that the theory of the business and associated business model for health is broken. A gigantic opportunity exists to radically transform health by simultaneously using digital technology and a next management initiative. Our proposal is to build a Digital Health and Wellness Capability Maturity Framework, collectively developed which when applied can help drive a structural change in the global health industry and radically improve health outcomes while addressing seven key gaps in healthcare such as the productivity gap, the resource gap, the equity gap, the adoption gap, the sustainability gap the digital gap and the overarching gap, the management gap. Drucker also said The most important contribution that management needs to make in the 21st century is to increase the productivity of knowledge work and knowledge workers. We can be encouraged by the productivity improvements achieved in manual labour with Drucker saying “The most important contribution of management in the 20th century was the fifty fold (50X) increase in the productivity of the manual worker in manufacturing”. With a new focus and breakthrough management tools such as capability maturity frameworks we can be hopeful that we can invent and innovate a new better and more sustainable healthcare system.

Prof Martin Curley, and Dr Richard Straub, President Drucker Forum at the 16th Global Drucker Forum, Hofburg, Vienna
At the 16th Drucker Forum in Vienna we are announcing a call for interest and participation in building a Digital Health and Wellness Capability Maturity Framework to accelerate the digital transition of health to help build a radically new health system based on the Stay Left, Shift Left-10X paradigm.

Key Health Leaders participating in Next Management for Health roundtable at the Drucker Forum, Hofburg, Vienna.

Using the Open Innovation 2.0 methodology we hope to create a coalition or open collaborative ecosystem to build a DHW-CMF using a design science research and engaged scholarship approach.
If you are interested or learning more please register here. We will be in touch soon.
Prof Martin Curley
Director, Digital Health Ecosystem
Innovation Value Institute,
Maynooth University
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