Professor of Business Enterprise and Innovation and Director of the Venture Academy at Essex Business School, University of EssexProfessor Jay Mitra
Jay Mitra is Professor of Business Enterprise and Innovation and Director of the Venture Academy at
Essex Business School, University of Essex. He has acted as a Scientific Adviser to the OECD
(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) as the Head of the Scientific Committee on
Entrepreneurship for the OECD’s Centre for Entrepreneurship and the LEED (Local Economic and
Employment) Programme at its Trento Centre and in Paris. He is a Visiting Professor at the University of
Luneburg, Germany, and has acted in that capacity at University Externado. Colombia, the Institute of
Management Technology, India, the School of Management, Fudan University, and the School of Public
Policy at Jilin University, both in China, at Bologna University, Italy and EDHEC Business School,
France. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in the UK.
Jay Mitra also leads the International Entrepreneurship Forum (IEF) a unique network and forum for
researchers, policy makers and business practitioners working on entrepreneurship, innovation and
regional development issues. The IEF has organized eighteen international refereed conferences to date
around the world bringing together academic researchers, reflective practitioners and dynamic policy
makers. Together they explore creatively the many dimensions of ideas generation, opportunity
development, resource mobilisation, capability development, design-led practice, and sustainability which
underpin entrepreneurial and innovative activity across silos and through networks.
Educated at Presidency College, Calcutta University, Jadavpur University, both in Kolkata, India and at
University of Stirling, UK, Professor Mitra trained in the private sector in the UK, worked as a Principal
Officer for local government also in the UK, specialising in economic and business development, and
taught at three other universities in the UK before joining the University of Essex. At Essex he established
the unique and highly successful School of Entrepreneurship and Business (SEB) in 2005 where he
developed a unique portfolio of postgraduate programmes on entrepreneurship and innovation and their
significance for the private, public and social sectors together with the first doctoral programme in
Entrepreneurship at the University. This achievement preceded his contribution to the creation of Essex
Business School in 2008. He also created the first International Centre for Entrepreneurship Research
(ICER) leading it since its inception in 2006, and which has now morphed into The Venture Academy,
scoping entrepreneurship and innovation beyond research to generate new forms of learning, foster
economic development, all involving, students, academic staff, and institutional stakeholders . In 2014-15
he re-established the MBA programme into a successful and viable project, increasing the student intake
six times, and revised and reaccredited the course. These achievements follow the setting up of pioneering
Centres for Entrepreneurship at two other universities in the UK. He has been involved as a principal
investigator and as a collaborator in a wide number of international R&D and Knowledge Exchange
projects in partnerships with universities, business organisations and public bodies from around the world.
Professor Mitra’s research, development and knowledge exchange interests include micro aspects of new
venture creation, entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development, migrant entrepreneurship,
entrepreneurship policy, entrepreneurship education and training, socially driven entrepreneurship, gender
and entrepreneurship, and alternative entrepreneurial finance and resource utilisation. He has written
widely on these subjects for refereed academic journals, as policy briefings for major international
institutions and professional magazines.
He is the editor of the new Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies’
published by Sage. He is a member of various editorial boards of international refereed journals. He has
written and published widely on the subject of entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development
with significant contributions to international refereed journals, through books, chapters in leading
research monographs, at refereed international conferences, seminars, symposia and workshops. His work
has attracted best research paper awards in both the UK and the USA. His latest book is
‘Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Development, (2nd ed) published by Routledge, which
follows the recent publications of ‘The Business of Innovation’, published by Sage in 2017, and
‘Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Exchange, (2015).
He also set up two new businesses and has been directly involved in supporting the creation of numerous
new ventures in the UK, including those of his students. He is a Board member of the International
Network for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (INSME), based in Rome. Italy. He has also acted as a
member of the Ethical Investment Committee of the European Business Angel Network