The International Society for Digital Health (ISDH) is global collaboration of organizations and individuals committed to drive a metamorphosis of global health systems using the “Stay Left, Shift Left-10X” paradigm to radically improve global health outcomes, equity, efficiency, effectiveness and experience.
ISDH Overview
Based on the principles of Open Innovation 2.0, a community based on high trust, high talent, high tech and high touch works together to drive an accelerated phase transition to a new kind of global health system which delivers wellness, wellbeing, welfare and wealth for an increasing proportion of global inhabitants.
We identify Digital Health as a new multidisciplinary discipline which exists at the intersection of the health, digital technology, economics, demographics, genomics and other fields.
With a secretariat based in the Innovation Value Institute, Maynooth University, Ireland, we work together to orchestrate collaborative, complimentary and compounding digital health innovations which deliver step function or 10X improvements in the quadruple aim outcomes (health, value, experience, quality of life).
We recognize the importance of holistic representation across the quadruple helix of government, industry, academia and most importantly citizens/patients.
The flagship events of the ISDH include the annual UNGA Digital Health symposium and an annual International Summer School in Health.
If you are interested in join ISDH and being part of a global movement for better health, aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goal Number 3, better wellbeing and health for all, please register your interest below with your Name, Role, Organization & Email and we will follow-up with you soon.
Current Members
Professor Martin Curley
Dr John Sheehan
Elaine Brennan
Ryl Jensen
Romita Ghosh
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