The Third Digital Health Symposium at UNGA78

The Innovation Value Institute (IVI) are thrilled to annouce the upcoming third Digital Health Symposium as part of the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), taking place on September 26th & 27th 2023 in New York City.

Event Overview

We have made remarkable progress in health as a global society, more than doubling life expectancy in just over two centuries. Public health and clinical innovations have been major contributors to this improvement. But across the world, healthcare systems are facing a major crisis caused by a perfect storm of factors – rapidly rising healthcare costs, clinician burnout and attrition, and demographics going in the wrong direction. Since 2018, there are more people over 65 than under the age of five in the world. Equally half the world do not have access to affordable care and for the half that do, it is becoming increasingly unaffordable. Time magazine recently wrote about the coming collapse of the US healthcare system, and the New York Times published an opinion piece about how that doctors aren’t burnt out from overwork, but demoralised by a broken healthcare system. According to the WHO and the World Bank Half the world lacks access to essential health services, 100 million still pushed into extreme poverty because of health expenses.

Date and time:

26th & 27th September 2023
08:30 – 17:30 (US ET)
13:30 – 22:30 (IST)


Day 1
VNS Health,
220 E 42nd St,
New York, 10017, USA.

Day 2
Northwell Health,
UJA Conference Centre,
130 East 59th Street,
New York, 10022, USA.

According to the World Bank Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 11 percent of the world’s population yet bears 24 percent of the global disease burden and commands less than one percent of global health expenditure. It also faces a severe shortage of trained medical personnel, with just three percent of the world’s health workers deployed in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Ex UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the UK’s NHS is making people sicker and saying “the entire British state is on the verge of becoming a subsidiary of the NHS”, he argues, “pointing out that the cost of healthcare has risen from 27% of day-to-day public spending to 44% since the turn of the century”.

Healthcare is stuck in a time warp. Adapting from Peter Drucker “Every Organization or indeed Industry needs a theory of the Business” and “a valid theory that is clear, consistent, and focused is extraordinarily powerful.” An example is Moore’s Law which set a competitive challenge for the collective semiconductor industry that drove alignment, amplification and acceleration for the entire industry and has created the engine to transform our world into a digital and perhaps the most sustainable one.

We proposed “Stay Left, Shift Left-10X as the Moore’s Law for the Healthcare Industry. Stay Left is about first keeping well people well or if you need rehab or have a chronic disease this can be done best of all from home. Shift Left is about getting patients as quickly as possible from Hospital to Community to Home. 10X is the notion that when digital technologies are applied to health, we can do things 10X better, faster, cheaper and higher volume.

In 2021, the first Digital Health Symposium produced a white paper ‘The Digital Transition for Healthcare’ based on the “Stay Left, Shift Left, 10X” strategy outlining the need, rationale, and benefits for doing this with fifteen global co-authors. In 2022 the second Digital Health Symposium co-created theManhattan Manifesto’ including 12 guidelines for governments and organizations for achieving digital health equity, signed by fifty collaborators. In 2023, the third Digital Health Symposium will focus on moving from “Ambition to Action” and creating plans for alignment, amplification, and acceleration of our collective efforts to achieve health and wellbeing for all at all ages.

You are invited as a thought, clinical, practice, political or patient leader to attend, co-create and speak at the Symposium. The format of the conference consists of TED style stimulus keynotes, panels and working sessions. The symposium is designed to enable discourse, co-design, reflection, and exchange of ideas, concepts, policy, and practice to inform innovative action and build the relationships, trust and shared vision and values to accelerate SDG 3 and global health equity for all, Stay Left Shift Left 10X.

Agenda (Day 1 – 26th September) [VNS Health]     **Subject to change


8:30AM (1) Introductions from the Digital Health Symposium Chairs
Professor Martin Curley Director of Digital Health Ecosystem – IVI & Maynooth University
Romita Ghosh Founder & Chief Executive Officer – iHeal HealthTech
Dr John Sheehan Clinical Director of Radiology – Blackrock Health
Ryl Jensen (virtual) Chief Executive Officer – Digital Health Association
8:35AM (2) Welcome Address from VNS Health
Dan Savitt Chief Executive Officer – VNS Health
8:40AM  (3) Welcome Address from Maynooth University
Professor Eeva Leinonen (virtual) President – Maynooth University
8:45AM (4) Stay Left, Shift Left 10X Fundamentals
Martin Curley Director of Digital Health Ecosystem – IVI & Maynooth University
John Sheehan Clinical Director of Radiology – Blackrock Health
(5) Leadership Panel 1 (Global Leadership Panel)
Brad Porter Chief Executive Officer – Orion Health
Russell P. Branzell President & Chief Executive Officer – CHIME
Dr Jerome Adams Director of Health Equity Initiatives – Purdue University
Elaine Brennan Executive Director, Global Strategic Partnerships – Northwell Health
Michele Y. Griffith, MD President – International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth
Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite President – ISQUA and Director – Australian Institute of Health Innovation
Professor Alain Labrique (virtual) Director of Department of Digital Health & Innovation – WHO
10:00AM Break
10:30AM Fordham Digital Divide at Fordham University (Register to attend in-person here:
James R. Hastings Counsel – Rothwell Figg
Chinmayi Sharma Associate Professor of Law Fordham University School of Law
Carl Baranowski Vice President & Chief Legal Officer- University of Texas at Tyler
Professor Janet Freilich Professor of Law Fordham University School of Law
Hannah Cooper CEO & Co-Founder – Cooper/Smith Washington, D.C
Michael Harvey Information and Privacy Commissioner – N&L – Canada
Alejandro Lopez Osornio Senior Implementation Support Specialist, SNOMED International
Jenny Colgate Partner – Rothwell Figg Washington, D.C.
Darshana Zaveri Founder and Managing Partner – Catalyst Health Ventures, Boston
Professor Falguni Sen Professor – Fordham University
11:00AM (6) Leadership Panel 2 (Data-driven Health)
Neil de Crescenzo Chief Executive Officer – Optum Insights
Dr Lars Hartenstein Global Health Leader – McKinsey Health Institute
Romina Elias Chief Clinical Informatics Officer – DELL Technologies
Carolyn Gullery Specialist Healthcare System Advisor – Lightfoot Solutions Group
Charles H. House (virtual) Author, Engineer & Serial Entrepreneur
Dr Matthew Barrett (virtual) Consultant Cardiologist – St. Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin
12:00PM (7) Launch of International Masters in Digital Health Transformation
Professor Kerstin Mey President – University of Limerick
Russell P. Branzell President – CHIME
Professor Stan Kachnowski Head of Digital Health – Columbia University
Professor Martin Curley Director of Digital Health Ecosystem – IVI & Maynooth University
12:30PM Lunch
1:30PM (8) Leadership Panel 3 (New Models & New Business)
Mark Baiada Founder – BAYADA Home Health Care
Dr Tobias Silberzahn Partner – McKinsey & Co
Dr John Martin Chief Medical Officer – Butterfly Network
Ram Fish Chief Executive Officer – 19Labs
Emily Sheldon Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer – African Health Innovation Centre
David Walcott Chief Executive Officer – Novamed
2:30PM (9) Turning Visibility into Action in Healthcare
Thomas Bianculli Chief Technology Officer – Zebra Technologies
Rikki Jennings Chief Nursing Informatics Officer – Zebra Technologies
Sheila Minton President & Chief Executive Officer – Tagnos
Andrea Thomaz Founder & Chief Executive Officer – Digilent Robotics
3:30PM Break
4:00PM (10) AI & Healthcare
Richard A.D. Jones President of Copeland Clinical AI (C2-AI)
Dr John Sheehan Clinical Director of Radiology – Blackrock Health
David O’Malley Senior Vice President of Product Strategy – VNS Health
Harvey Castro, MD
ViTel Health & Author – Chat GPT Health
Professor Ray O’Sullivan Consultant – Royal College of Surgeons Ireland
Prashant Parida Chief Executive Officer – Ufinity
5:00PM (11) Longitudal Healthcare
David Rosales Executive Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer – VNS Health
Rose Madden Baer SVP Population and Clinical Support Services – VNS Health
5:30PM Reception at VNS Health
Symposium Networking Dinner
Featuring Opening Remarks by Bill Burns – Chief Executive Officer – Zebra Technolgies

Agenda (Day 2 – 27th September) [Northwell Health] **Subject to change

2 Parallel Sessions will take place on Day 2.

Parallel Session 1

8:30AM (1A) Welcome (Day 2)
H.E. Ambassador Sidique Wai Chief of Mission of the Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone to the United States; Secretary-General of ECOWAS, The Economic Community of West African States
(2A) Digital Therapeutics
Ryl Jensen (virtual) Chief Executive Officer – Digital Health Association
Liz Ashall Payne Chief Executive Officer – ORCHA
Tamar Thompson Vice President – Head of Corporate Affairs – AstraZeneca Rare Diseases
Rachel Loui Board Advisor & Fractional Chief Commercial Officer – Modicus Prime
Professor George Crooks (virtual) Chief Executive – Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre
10:00AM (3A) Incubating and Adopting Digital Health Solutions at Scale
Professor Matt Mullarkey Instruction Director of DBA Program – University of South Florida
Elaine Brennan Executive Director of Global Strategic Partnerships – Northwell Health
Dr Roisin M. Molloy Chief Executive Officer & Founder – TriMedika
Dr Atilla Sik Director of ITD at the University of Pecs Medical School (Hungary)
Aleksandra Liaplina Program Lead of Blended Finance – IFC World Bank
11:00AM Break
11:30AM (4A) Managing and Governing Innovation in Large Health Systems
Dr Adam Walczak Deputy Director at JHHIP – Hunter NE LHD (Australia)
Elise Sweeney Anthony Executive Director of Policy – Office National Coordinator for Health IT
Dr Monika Suryavanshi Executive Director – Helios Healthcare Architects
Dipendra Khadka, Ph.D. Public Health Expert – Office of Prime Minister (Nepal)
Zen Tharani Chief Executive Officer – Xenex Consulting
12:30PM Lunch
1:30PM (5A) Patient Led Innovation
Romita Ghosh Founder & Chief Executive Officer – iHeal HealthTech
Gary Boyle (virtual) Parkinsons Patient & Advocate
Richard Wyatt Haines (virtual) Founder & Chairman – HCI
Sam Baddoo Founder & Chief Executive Officer – FLERI
Mary Carbajal Chief Executive Officer – B1OS
2:15PM (6A) Hyperconnectivity and Network Centric Healthcare 
Carol Robertson Senior Business Development Partner – C&W Communications
Donal Morris Chief Executive Officer & Founder – RedZinc
Professor Dan Kilper Director – Connect Centre
2:45PM (7A) Digital Health – Capacity, Capability, Competence  – Global Digital Health Monitor 
Patty Mechael Senior Associate – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Daniel Otzoy García Global Chief Executive Officer – RECAINSA
Nassir Idriss ADAM National Co-Ordinator – Digital Health Project – Ministry of Public Health & Prevention – Chad
Dr Hammadoun Dia National Co-Ordinator, Digital Health Project – UNDP Mali.
Dr Osama El Hassan Health Informatics & Smart Health Specialist – Dubai Health Authority
3:30PM Break
4:00PM (8A) 10X Technologies Exemplar – Digital Ultrasound
Karley Yoder GM & Chief Digital Officer of Ultrasound – GE Healthcare
Dr Peter Weimerscheimer Vice President of Clinical Implementation – Butterfly Network
Vaishali Kamat GM of New Ventures, Ultrasound Digital Solutions – GE Healthcare
Karen Kelly Advanced Nurse Practitioner – Novick Cardiac & CEO – Panacea Flo
Dr Andrew Walden Intensive Care Consultant – Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Donal Bailey Chief Executive Officer – Care Connect


(9A) Close, Synthesis & Next Steps
Professor Martin Curley Director of Digital Health Ecosystem – IVI & Maynooth University
Romita Ghosh Founder & Chief Executive Officer – iHeal HealthTech
Dr John Sheehan Clinical Director of Radiology – Blackrock Health
Ryl Jensen Chief Executive Officer – Digital Health Association
Dr Lloyd McCann Chief Executive Officer – Tāmaki Health


Parallel Session 2

8.30AM (1B) The three numbers you need to know about healthcare: Moving into the digital future
Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite President – ISQUA and Director – Australian Institute of Health Innovation
9:00AM (2B) Live from Uzbekistan
Dr William M. Novick (virtual) Founding Director – Novick Cardiac Alliance
Karen Kelly Advanced Nurse Practitioner – Novick Cardiac Alliance & CEO – Panacea Flo
9.30AM (3B) Unstoppable Africa (Live from Morocco)
Dr Amit N. Thakker Executive Chairman – Africa Health Business (Kenya)
Dr Nicaise Ndembi Senior Science Advisor – Africa Centres for Disease Control & Prevention
10.00AM (4B) Health Data Visualization
Charles H. House Author, Engineer & Serial Entrepreneur
(5B) Data Innovation & 10X Economics
Carolyn Gullery Specialist Healthcare System Advisor – Lightfoot Solutions Group
11.00AM Break
11.30AM (6B) Resilient Health: Examples of Technology Innovations Worldwide for COVID-19 Recovery & Beyond
Professor Judith Kuriansky Professor of Psychology and Education, Columbia University Teachers College; Global Council on Health, UAE “SDGs in Action” Initiative; International Association of Applied Psychology


(7B) European Health Dataspace and Sovereign Cloud
Jerome de Barros Policy Officer in Digital Health – European Commission
David Asturiol Policy Assistant – European Commission/DG SANTE
12.30PM Lunch
1:30PM (8B) Telehealth in Remote Areas – Case Study Guyana/Mexico
Ram Fish Chief Executive Officer – I19 Labs


(9B) Health Data Governance & the European Digital Health DataSpace (virtual)
Eric Sutherland Senior Health Economist – Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development
Dr Aida Garcia Lazaro Research Associate in Economics – University of Bath


(10B) Grass Roots Innovation in Mongolia & India
Urga Azat Founder & Director – Oddariya Foundation (Mongolia)
Paul Murphy Research Fellow – Smart Village Movement
3.00PM Break 


(11B) Fordham Public Private Roleplay
Professor Falguni Sen Professor – Fordham University
James R. Hastings Counsel – Rothwell Figg


(12B)The 1000 Day Baby Project
Milton Chen Chief Executive Officer – VSee
Ted Herbosa Minister of Health – Phillippines
4:30PM (13B) One Health & Social Prescribing (Video Presentation)
Professor Piero Formica Author – One Health
Gareth Presch Chief Executive Officer – Global Social Prescribing Alliance

(9A) Close, Synthesis & Next Steps
Professor Martin Curley Director of Digital Health Ecosystem – IVI & Maynooth University
Romita Ghosh Founder & Chief Executive Officer – iHeal HealthTech
Dr John Sheehan Clinical Director of Radiology – Blackrock Health
Ryl Jensen Chief Executive Officer – Digital Health Association
Dr Lloyd McCann Chief Executive Officer – Tāmaki Health





Symposium Speakers & Panelists

Professor of Innovation at Maynooth University and Digital Health Lead at IVI

Professor Martin Curley

Founder and CEO of iHeal HealthTech Pvt Ltd

Romita Ghosh

Clinical Director, Mobile Medical Diagnostics & Consultant Radiologist, Blackrock Health

Dr John Sheehan

Chief Executive Officer of the Digital Health Association, New Zealand

Ryl Jensen

Chief Executive Officer of Orion Health

Brad Porter

President and Chief Executive Officer of VNS Health

Dan Savitt

CEO and President of the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME)

Russell P. Branzell

Executive Director of Global Strategic Partnerships at Northwell Health

Elaine Brennan

Chief Executive Officer at Zebra Technologies

Bill Burns

Director of Health Equity Initiatives, Purdue University

Dr Jerome Adams

Director of Department of Digital Health & Innovation at the World Health Organisation

Professor Alain Labrique

President of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH)

Dr Michele Y. Griffith

Chief Executive Officer of Optum Insight

Neil de Crescenzo

President of University of Limerick

Professor Kerstin Mey

CEO PanaceaFlo Ltd.; Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Karen Kelly

Senior Vice President for Product Strategy at VNS Health

David O’Malley

President of Copeland Clinical Ai (C2-Ai), UK

Richard A. D. Jones

Executive Director of Policy at Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT

Elise Sweeney Anthony

Specialist Healthcare System Advisor at Lightfoot Solutions Group

Carolyn Gullery

Author, One Health

Professor Piero Formica

Chief Technology Officer at Zebra Technologies

Tom Bianculli

CEO and Founder of Xenex Consulting

Zen Tharani

Director at CONNECT Centre & Professor of Future Communication Networks at Trinity College Dublin

Professor Dan Kilper

Executive Chairman at Africa Health Business

Dr Amit N. Thakker

Executive Director of InnovaScapes Institute & Co-Founder and Managing Partner for AstroVirtual Inc

Chuck House

GM & Chief Digital Officer of Ultrasound at GE Healthcare

Karley Yoder

Director of the Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries at the University of Pecs Medical School

Attila Sik, PhD

Chief Nursing Informatics Officer at Zebra Technologies

Rikki Jennings

Senior Associate, Department of International Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Patty Mecheal

Chief Nursing Informatics Officer at Dell Technologies

Romina Elias

Parkinson's Disease Patient and Advocate

Gary Boyle

Professor and Director of the Australian Institute of Health Innovation at Macquarie University

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite

CEO & Founder of TriMedika LIMITED

Dr Roisin M. Molloy

Founder & Board Director at Od-Dariya Foundation

Urga Azat

Chief Executive Officer at Ufinity

Prashant Parida

Clinical psychologist, TV commentator, Author, United Nations NGO representative & Columbia University Teachers College, USA

Professor Judy Kuriansky

Specialist of Health Informatics & Smart Health Department at Dubai Health Authority

Dr Osama El-Hassan

Founder and Managing Partner of NovaMed

David Walcott, Ph.D.

Chief Executive Offiver and Chief Medical Officer of the Senior Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Surgeon at Novick Cardiac Alliancel

Dr William M. Novick, MD

GM of New Ventures, Ultrasound Digital Solutions at GE Healthcare

Vaishali Kamat

Counsel at Rothwell Figg IP Professionals

James R. Hastings

Partner of Life Sciences Practice at McKinsey & Co

Dr Tobias Silberzahn

Director of Digital Health Program at Columbia Business School

Stan Kachnowski Ph.D

Director of the Global Healthcare Innovation Management Center, Fordham University

Professor Falguni Sen

Chairman at BAYADA Home Health Care

J. Mark Baiada

Global Leader at the McKinsey Health Institute

Dr Lars Hartenstein

Harvey Castro, MD

Executive Director, Germany

Dr Monika Suryavanshi

Board Advisor & Fractional Chief Commercial Officerat Modicus Prime

Rachel Loui

Vice President of Clinical Implementation and Education at Butterfly Network

Dr. Peter Weimersheimer

Global Chief Executive Officer at RECAINSA

Daniel Otzoy García

Acute & Intensive Care Consultant at the Royal Berkshire Hospital (UK)

Dr Andrew Walden

Chief Medical Officer at Butterfly Network

Dr John Martin

Chief Executive Officer of Care-Connect

Dr Donal Bailey

Professor of Innovation at Maynooth University and Digital Health Lead at IVI

Professor Martin Curley

Martin Curley is Professor of Innovation at Maynooth University. Most recently, Martin was Director of the Digital Transformation and Open Innovation at the Health Service Executive (HSE), helping enable the digital transformation of Ireland’s health service and also served as Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the HSE. Prior to joining the HSE Martin was Senior Vice President and group head for Global Digital Practice at Mastercard. Previously Martin was vice president at Intel Corporation and Director/GM of Intel Labs Europe, Intel’s network of more than 50 research labs which he helped grow across the European region. He also served as a senior principal engineer at Intel Labs Europe leading Intel’s research and innovation engagement with the European Commission and the broader European Union research ecosystem. Prior to this Curley was Global Director of IT Innovation and Director of IT Strategy and Technology at Intel. Earlier in his Intel career, he held a number of senior positions for Intel in the United States and Europe. He also worked in research and management positions at GE in Ireland and Philips in the Netherlands.

Martin has a bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering and a master’s degree in business studies, both from University College Dublin, Ireland. He received his Ph.D. in information systems from the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. Curley is the author of eight books on technology management for value, innovation and entrepreneurship. He is a Member of the Royal Irish Academy, fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland, the British Computer Society and, the Irish Computer Society. Martin is co-founder of the Innovation Value Institute at Maynooth University, a unique industry-academia collaboration driving research and development of advanced IT and Digital maturity frameworks. He was previously a visiting scholar at MIT Sloan Centre for Information Systems Research and a visiting research fellow at the CERN Open Lab in Geneva. He was the inaugural winner of the Engineers Ireland Innovation engineer of the year in 2006 and was jointly awarded European Chief Technology Officer of the year for 2015-2016.

Founder and CEO of iHeal HealthTech Pvt Ltd

Romita Ghosh

Ms. Romita Ghosh, an esteemed Founder-CEO at the forefront of the MedTech industry, spearheads innovative and impactful ventures that transform healthcare in India. With an unwavering commitment to revolutionize the industry, she has founded highly successful MedTech companies. Transitioning from research at the Tata Cancer Center, Romita’s passion for tangible change led her to become an exemplary entrepreneur. Through visionary leadership, her ventures have positively impacted more than 200,000 lives. Recognized with the Women Transforming India Award 2021 by Niti Aayog, Romita’s contributions are highly regarded. Romita holds double majors in Biotechnology and Biochemistry, alongside an MBA. She is an alumnus of IIM Udaipur and served as an ICMR research fellow at IIT Hyderabad. Her achievements include being named one of the Top 50 Women in Innovation by CII PwC. Additionally, her groundbreaking solution, Maap AI, revolutionizing child nutrition, earned her a place in the prestigious Top 10 of the Bayer Women Empowerment Award. Receiving numerous accolades such as the Most Inspiring Woman Entrepreneur Award and the Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Romita’s journey is recognized for its impact. Falicitated by Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and invited to the United Nations General Assembly, she is a sought-after speaker and advocate. In line with her ethos, Romita Ghosh received specialized training at the German Institute of Sustainability and Development, further strengthening her commitment to sustainable practices in the field of healthcare. Contributing to the startup ecosystem, Romita mentors aspiring founders and leads the India-Germany Bilateral Business Council, championing women in science. Her media presence includes appearances on TV programs and features by renowned outlets, further solidifying her influence. Romita Ghosh’s exceptional journey, pioneering spirit, and unwavering dedication to transforming healthcare establish her as an influential figure, inspiring countless individuals and shaping the future of the industry

Clinical Director, Mobile Medical Diagnostics & Consultant Radiologist, Blackrock Health

Dr John Sheehan

John is deeply engaged in healthcare technology, with a focus on emerging innovations like cloud computing, AI, Augmented Reality, Robotics and Quantum Computing. His work revolves around bridging the clinical, digital, and industrial realms to advance technology policy.

John’s journey in Radiology commenced in 2005 when he embarked on fellowships in MRI (Body, Neuro & MSK) and Cardiovascular Imaging at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago. His dedication led him to become the Chief of Cardiovascular Imaging at NorthShore University Health System by 2009.

Currently, John serves as a Consultant Radiologist at Blackrock Health (Hermitage & Blackrock Clinics) and Mobile Medical Diagnostics, specialising in Diagnostic to Interventional Radiology. His expertise shines in Cardiovascular, Hepatobiliary, Prostate, MSK, and Colonography, where he continues to set new standards.

John also holds the role of Clinical Director at Hermitage Clinic and Mobile Medical Diagnostics, while providing valuable advice to xWave Technologies. In this capacity, he brings his clinical insights to inform administrative decision-making.

As the Vice Chair of Ireland’s Digital Health Association, John plays a role in shaping Ireland’s Digital Health Strategy.

Known for his calm diligence and solution-focused approach, John balances his professional life with diverse hobbies like music, gardening, and photography.

Join John on his journey to drive healthcare technology and innovation for a brighter future.

Chief Executive Officer of the Digital Health Association, New Zealand

Ryl Jensen

Ryl Jensen is the Chief Executive Officer of the DHA with a background in IT having previously worked for the likes of IBM, EDS, and Merrill Lynch HSBC in London. She worked in Customer Relationship Management and Disaster Recovery, responsible for Service Level Agreements and Service Delivery Management. She has a strong customer focus and is passionate about health policy, research, and helping people. Ryl’s goal would be to see New Zealand’s Health System in a stronger, more resilient and connected position through digital health, driving better and more equitable health outcomes for all.

Ryl has been active in the Health and Disability Sector for a number of years, firstly being an advocate for women’s health and then later for digital interoperability. At a Government level she has written and contributed to health policy. She has a strong passion for the health sector, in particular digital health, and how it can be a key enabler to improve health outcomes and healthcare delivery.

Ryl has a Master of Health from Victoria University of Wellington, with a focus on health policy, planning, and systems structures. Her thesis completed in 2022 is titled Exploring a Digital Health Governance Framework for New Zealand – A mixed methods study.

Ryl was one of three main contributors to the DHA’s Health Opportunities Report Hauora, Mauri Ora: Enabling a Healthier Aotearoa New Zealand, released in 2021 by the Minister of Health Andrew Little.

Ryl is married with two children and lives in the Kapiti Coast on a small lifestyle block with her family. She is an avid reader, and loves cycling and walking along the river near her house with her dog Benji.

Chief Executive Officer of Orion Health

Brad Porter

President and Chief Executive Officer of VNS Health

Dan Savitt

As President and Chief Executive Officer of VNS Health, Dan oversees one of the largest not-for-profit home- and community-based health care organizations in the United States.

Prior to becoming CEO of VNS Health in February 2021, Dan was Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. He brings extensive experience from his work at US Acute Care Solutions, Landmark Health LLC, UnitedHealth Group, Northwest Airlines, and the Ford Motor Company.

Dan holds a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies at the University of Michigan and a Master of Business Administration from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.

CEO and President of the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME)

Russell P. Branzell

Russell P. Branzell is the CEO and President of the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) and its affiliate associations, the Association for Executives in Healthcare Information Security (AEHIS), the Association for Executives in Healthcare Information Technology (AEHIT) and the Association for Executives in Healthcare Information Applications (AEHIA). In addition to his position at CHIME, he serves on the faculty at CHIME University and Columbia University, where he teaches executive classes in health information technology. He also is a member of the Baldrige Foundation Board and a former member of the Board of Overseers of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, a position that was appointed by the Secretary of Commerce.

Mr. Branzell joined CHIME as President and CEO in April 2013 after being an active member for 15 years. He served on the CHIME Board of Trustees from 2004-2008, as chair of the CHIME Education Committee from 2004-2008 and as chair of the CHIME Education Foundation.

Prior to taking his position at CHIME, he was the CEO at the Colorado Health Medical Group; Vice President of Information Services and CIO for Poudre Valley Health System; President/CEO of Innovation Enterprises (PVHS’ for-profit IS entity); and Regional Deputy CIO and Executive Director of Information Services for Sisters of Mercy Health System in St. Louis, MO. He served on active duty in the United States Air Force and retired from the Air Force Reserves in 2008. While on active duty, he held numerous healthcare administration positions, including CIO for the Air Mobility Command Surgeon General’s Office.

Executive Director of Global Strategic Partnerships at Northwell Health

Elaine Brennan

Elaine Brennan is Executive Director, Global Strategic Partnerships at Northwell Health where she has responsibility for developing collaborative and strategic relationships and has created innovative new programs at Northwell.

Ms. Brennan originally joined Northwell Health to create the Pharma Ventures group and led the innovative approach to managing and developing collaborative and strategic relationships with the pharmaceutical/ biotech and device industry to establish Northwell as a premier destination for clinical research, health outcomes and digital innovation.

Ms. Brennan subsequently created Northwell’s International Program developing strategic alliances with government trade agencies to enable access to a pipeline of international innovative technologies and companies for procurement, research and investment.

In addition, Ms. Brennan manages several strategic network and individual relationships on behalf of Northwell that drive value across many cross functional areas of the health system.

Previously, Ms. Brennan was the CEO of Socrates, a health care information technology company, where she led the development and launch of its technology platform in the United States. She also headed up Life Sciences for Enterprise Ireland (Irish Government), managing life science companies entering the US market, screening them for market readiness, assisting with fund raising and commercialization path ways. She also founded Gastroenterology Ireland, which combined a cluster of companies, research and development, and Irish opinion leaders in Ireland and the US with the purpose of creating a niche competency for a country, driving funding and innovation.

Her pharmaceutical career at Roche, Bristol Myers Squibb and AbbVie included marketing/sales and clinical roles launching blockbuster products in the virology sector.

Ms. Brennan has published scientific articles on genetic engineering and biodegradable polymers applications, and patented many products in the same area. She earned her science degree in the United Kingdom and her early education in Ireland and Belgium.

Chief Executive Officer at Zebra Technologies

Bill Burns

Bill has more than 30 years of experience in the technology sector and joined Zebra Technologies in 2015. In his prior role as Chief Product & Solutions Officer, he oversaw the strategy, investments, and development of Zebra’s expansive portfolio of products and solutions. During this time, Bill extended Zebra’s market share leadership across its core businesses while entering adjacent and expansion markets, delivered on the company’s Enterprise Asset Intelligence vision, and strengthened Zebra’s strategic relationships with its customers and partners.

Prior to joining Zebra, Bill served as Chief Executive Officer of Embrane, a Silicon Valley-based venture capital backed startup which was acquired by Cisco in April 2015. Prior to joining Embrane, Bill served as Chief Executive Officer of Spirent Communications, a global leader in test and measurement solutions publicly traded on the London Stock Exchange. He has also held various executive and sales leadership roles at Tellabs, Inc.

Bill has a Master of Business Administration from Temple University, a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Misericordia University, and an Associate Degree in Engineering from Pennsylvania State University.

Director of Health Equity Initiatives, Purdue University

Dr Jerome Adams

Dr. Jerome Adams was appointed as a Presidential Fellow and the Executive Director of Purdue’s Health Equity Initiatives on October 1, 2021. He is also a Distinguished Professor of Practice in the departments of Pharmacy Practice and Public Health. As the 20th U.S. Surgeon General and a prior member of the President’s Coronavirus task force, Dr. Adams has been at the forefront of America’s most pressing health challenges. A regular communicator via tv, radio, and in print, Dr. Adams is an expert not just in the science, but also in communicating the
science to the lay public, and making it relevant to various audiences. Dr. Adams is a licensed anesthesiologist with a master’s degree in public health, and ran the Indiana State Department of Health prior to becoming Surgeon General. In the State Health Commissioner role he managed a $350 million dollar budget and over 1000 employees, and led Indiana’s response to Ebola, Zika, and HIV crises. Notably, Dr. Adams helped convince the Governor and State Legislature to legalize syringe service programs in the state, and to prioritize $13 million in funding to combat infant mortality. As Surgeon General, Dr. Adams was the operational head of the 6000 person Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, and oversaw responses to 3 back to back category 5 hurricanes, and to a once in a century pandemic. In addition to his recent COVID19 work, Dr. Adams has partnered with and assisted organizations as they navigate the opioid epidemic, maternal health, rising rates of chronic disease, the impacts of rising suicide rates in our Nation, and how businesses can become better stewards and stakeholders in promoting community health.

Director of Department of Digital Health & Innovation at the World Health Organisation

Professor Alain Labrique

Professor Labrique is a innovator, entrepreneur, policy advisor and digital health thought leader. He is a Professor in Global Disease Epidemiology and Control and Associate Chair for Research in the Dept of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH). A Belgo-Indian, Labrique was born and raised in Bangladesh. Trained as a molecular biologist at the Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, he continued to study infectious disease epidemiology at JHSPH. His Bangladeshi/Indian roots brought him back to serve as the Project Scientist for the JiVitA Maternal & Child Health Research site in Bangladesh for ~10 years, before returning to teach and help shape global Digital Health policy and research as the founding director of the JHU Global mHealth Initiative. This multi-disciplinary consortium of faculty and students engaged in Digital Health innovation and research across the JHU system has spurred 100’s of research and innovation projects, Master’s and PhD dissertations. Labrique is among the most cited researchers in this emergent field. His 2 decades of field experience running large population-based research studies continues to inform the evidence base needed to guide digital health and innovation investments in low and middle-income countries.

Labrique leads a portfolio studying the impact of Digital Health on improving maternal, neonatal and infant outcomes in LMICs (primarily in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa); driving the adoption of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases, including Hepatitis E and RSV/GBS; large-scale digital health implementation science for NCD prevention; COVID-19 inequities globally; and the vital role of the microbiome in neonatal health. Labrique was recognized as one of the Top 11 mHealth Innovators in 2011 for his mCARE research project in Bangladesh, supported by the UBS Optimus Foundation. He is developing training curricula for Digital Health and serves as an Innovation and Digital Health technical, evaluation and policy advisor for WHO, Unicef, GAVI, implementing agencies and governments. He serves as Advisor to numerous private sector Digital Health and Innovation companies and has several pending patents. Labrique chaired the first-ever WHO Digital Health Guidelines Development Group (GDG) was a Lancet Commissioner for the 2021 Commission for Diagnostics.

He holds joint appointments in the Depts. of Epidemiology (PH), Community-PH (Nursing), Health Informatics (Engineering) at JHU and was honored as a Visiting Professor to Xiamen Univ. in Fujian, China.

President of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH)

Dr Michele Y. Griffith

Dr. Michele Y. Griffith has over 30 years of experience as a physician specializing in Internal Medicine, Integrative Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine. She has been utilizing telemedicine to deliver healthcare since 2008. “ I became an early adopter of telehealth because I saw it as a means of increasing access to healthcare for the underserved and unserved. It has the potential to eradicate barriers and disrupt healthcare as we know it.” As a member of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH) since 2012 , she advocates for the expansion of telemedicine and digital health globally and the increased representation of women in the field. In January of 2022, she was the first woman in the organization’s 25 year history to be elected President of the ISfTeH.

Dr. Griffith has practiced in both the acute care and outpatient settings; the first half of her career in hospitals and acute care facilities. Passionate about holistic, preventive care, she switched her focus to outpatient care over 15 years ago. An unrelenting patient advocate, she has empowered her patients with the education and tools necessary to maintain wellness. At Premise Health, a leading worksite health care company in the United States, she served as Medical Director for the Fortune 100 company, TIAA, for over 13 years. In that role, she collaborated with other clinicians, wellness coaches, mental health counselors and disease management nurses to provide high quality, cost effective care to employees and trained midlevel providers in the art of telemedicine to successfully implement a clinical blended healthcare delivery model. She is Founder of, a platform for telemedicine advocacy, digital health training and consulting. She recently joined the staff of Calibrate, an obesity management telemedicine start-up with a mission of “changing the way the world treats weight”. Dr. Griffith lectures internationally on Telemedicine/digital health.

After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in Biological Basis of Behavior, Dr. Griffith received her medical education from Yale School of Medicine and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. She completed an internship at Mount Sinai School of Medicine/North General Hospital and Internal Medicine residency at Harvard Medical School/Mount Auburn Hospital. She was certified in Integrative Medicine in 2008 and completed a business leadership in Integrative Medicine program at Duke University in 2016.

She enjoys traveling, outdoor activities, the arts and spending quality time with her 5 children.

Chief Executive Officer of Optum Insight

Neil de Crescenzo

Neil de Crescenzo is chief executive officer of Optum Insight. Neil leads teams working across multiple health care segments to provide administrative, clinical, and software, network, and data solutions. These solutions help people live healthier lives and make health care work better for everyone.

Neil joined Optum through the acquisition of Change Healthcare, where he served as president and chief executive officer. Before joining Change Healthcare, Neil was senior vice president and general manager of Oracle’s Global Health Sciences business. Prior to joining Oracle, he spent a decade at IBM Corporation, including his last role as a senior executive for Global Healthcare Business Consulting Services. Earlier in his career, he held leadership positions in a major hospital system, a large multi-specialty group practice, and at a major health insurer.

Neil earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Yale University and an MBA from Northeastern University. He currently serves on the Advisory Board of the Middle Tennessee American Heart Association, the Board of Directors of the Nashville Health Care Council, and a member of the executive committee of the board of directors of the Healthcare Leadership Council. He is a member of the Aspen Group, a Trustee of the Committee for Economic Development of The Conference Board, and a member of the CED’s Healthcare and Technology & Innovation Committees.

President of University of Limerick

Professor Kerstin Mey

In 2020, Professor Kerstin Mey assumed her role as President of the University of Limerick.

Over the past 25 years, Kerstin Mey has built a track record of successfully initiating and implementing pioneering academic and research initiatives and cultural projects in higher education. As an experienced leader and senior manager, she led major infrastructure and culture change programmes and set up a range of strategic external partnerships.

After studying for an MA equivalent in Art and German language and literature at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, and obtaining a PhD in Art Theory and Aesthetics there, Kerstin Mey held academic positions in universities in Germany and the UK. Before she joined the University of Westminster as Pro-Vice Chancellor and Dean of Media, Arts and Design, and Professor of Contemporary Art and Theory in 2013, she was Director for Research and Enterprise at the University for the Creative Arts, UK. From 2009–2013, she led the research strand Art and its Locations in Interface: Centre for Research in Art, Technologies and Design at the University of Ulster and was Director of the Research Institute of Art and Design there.

Kerstin’s research is concerned with contemporary art in relation to identity formation, digital literacies, cross-disciplinary connectivities, documentation and archives. She gives consideration to participatory and socially engaged creative practices and public pedagogies more generally. Publications include:  the authored book Art and Obscenity (2007); and, amongst others, the edited volumes: with Smite and Smites, Artistic Research (2011); with Kroenke and Spielmann, Kulturelle Umbrüche: Identitäten, Räume, Repräsentationen (2007); On-Site/In-Sight, special issue Journal of Visual Art Practice, Vols. 4.1/4.2 (2005); Art in the Making. Aesthetics, Historicity and Practice (2004) and Sculpsit (2001).

CEO PanaceaFlo Ltd.; Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Karen Kelly

Prior to nursing Karen had a career in International corporate finance, internet banking during the dotcom era followed by a few years where she stepped into the entrepreneurial world.
Karen has been fortunate to work with a lot of innovative people throughout her career, both before and during my nursing career, who are not afraid to bend the curve and go against the norm. She has met and worked alongside some fantastic leaders and mentors, which has made her very open minded, empathetic, innovative and someone who thinks of ‘the big picture’ as well as the small challenges.
Karen’s nursing career, spanning across 16 years, mainly focused on cardiology, started in pediatric intensive care, moved into acute adult’s coronary care, then to clinical nurse specialist in heart failure and brought her to Advanced Nurse Practitioner in a regional hospital.
During COVID she brought together a collaborative chronic illness team of ANPs and cardiac diagnostics that worked to improve patient outcomes, reduce patients visit to OPD and readmissions to hospital. She introduced a remote monitoring program for acute heart failure in Ireland and used POCUS to access volume status in HF patients both resulted in reduced readmission and increased patient empowerment.
Karen is passionate about empowering people with the knowledge, tools and support they need to manage their health and wellness at home and in the community and to provide timely access to all relevant services and diagnostics if, and when, required.
Advocate of shifting the conversation from patient to person, illness to wellness, hospital to home, physician to person led health journey and from disease management to early diagnoses and

Senior Vice President for Product Strategy at VNS Health

David O’Malley

David O’Malley is SVP for Product Strategy at VNS Health, a 130-year-old healthcare company that services the most complex populations through high-quality, cost-effective healthcare in the home and community. Prior to joining VNS Health, David gained experience in both small and large companies, including General Electric, where he most recently led Product Strategy and Product Innovation for the GE Healthcare’s digital technology portfolio. David has extensive experience creating innovation programs that accelerate digital product development and scaling those programs globally. David resides with his family in Connecticut and was formerly a volunteer Emergency Medical Technician.

President of Copeland Clinical Ai (C2-Ai), UK

Richard A. D. Jones

Richard currently serves as President of Copeland Clinical Ai (C2-Ai), a digital health company that has developed, tested, and proven unique clinical Artificial Intelligence (AI)-backed systems that help hospitals and health systems worldwide demonstrably reduce avoidable harm, mortality, and cost.

Aside from this, Richard is a business mentor for GE Healthcare, and is an

Richard is also the author of Strategy Genius: 40 Insights From the Science of Strategic Thinking, and this book makes it easy to apply what researchers know about strategic thinking to the real world. It includes 40 chapters based on hundreds of cutting-edge business and psychology research projects reveal what works and what doesn’t work in strategy. Each of the 40 chapters is a mini-masterclass in strategic thinking, explaining the research and showing you how to apply it for yourself.

Richard serves as a fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health, a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Executive Director of Policy at Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT

Elise Sweeney Anthony

Elise Sweeney Anthony serves as the executive director of policy at ONC. Ms. Anthony leads ONC’s engagement on a range of high-priority federal policy efforts, including regulatory development, information blocking, MACRA implementation, and governance. Her portfolio also includes emerging issues and health IT policy matters impacting EHR Incentive Program participants and other care settings.

Prior to this position, she served as the deputy director of policy where she led the Division of Strategic Policy, the Division of State and Interoperability Policy, and the Division of Federal Policy and Regulatory Affairs. She also led ONC’s coordination with CMS on the EHR Incentive Program regulations—including the 2014 CEHRT Flexibility Rule and the Stage 3 and Modifications to Meaningful Use in 2015 through 2017 final rule.

Ms. Anthony is an experienced health policy attorney and advisor. She spent many years at a leading law firm where she spearheaded a variety of health improvement initiatives, including initiatives impacting care delivery, health innovation, and at-risk/rural populations. In addition, she has served as a senior director at a global development consultancy where she focused on health improvement in international conflict zones and on addressing health disparities in developing regions. She has led initiatives across the policy landscape, including with Congress, the United Nations, and the World Health Organization.

Ms. Anthony received her Bachelor’s degree in political science at Morgan State University as a Ralph Bunche Scholar and her Juris Doctor at the Georgetown University Law Center, where she was trial advocate of the year.

Specialist Healthcare System Advisor at Lightfoot Solutions Group

Carolyn Gullery

Carolyn is a healthcare visionary with over three decades of experience in strategic roles within New Zealand’s public and private health sectors. Her work has significantly influenced the delivery of healthcare, particularly in Canterbury, where she has championed patient-centered, efficient systems to reduce waste and optimize care. She played a leading role in the Canterbury Clinical Network, a groundbreaking alliance of healthcare leaders, and has been instrumental in promoting a more integrated, collaborative approach to health and social care.

Her innovative vision is centered around minimizing patient time wastage and delivering the right care at the right time in the right place, even amidst natural and man-made disasters. Her ability to anticipate challenges and devise unique solutions has led to numerous ‘firsts’ in her career, showcasing her extensive knowledge in health policy, alliancing, and funding.

Now, Carolyn is bringing her expertise to the UK, where she is supporting healthcare systems in transformation processes guided by clinical leadership and data-informed decisions. Her impact on the integrated health and social care system model has sparked changes in thinking about such systems worldwide.

Author, One Health

Professor Piero Formica

Professor Formica has published extensively on knowledge economics, entrepreneurship and innovation. Ideators: Their Words and Voices (2022),

One Health: Transformative Enterprises, Wellbeing and Education in the Knowledge Economy (2023)Sciencepreneurship: Science, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Economic Growth (2023)published by Emerald Publishing Group, and Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence: Exhibition at the Mind Gallery (2024, Edizioni Pendragon) are his most recent books.

For his contribution to modern innovation policy, he received the 2017 Innovation Luminary Award from the Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group under the aegis of the European Union and the 2023 Magister Peloritanus Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti of the University of Messina, Italy.

Chief Technology Officer at Zebra Technologies

Tom Bianculli

Tom Bianculli serves as the Chief Technology Officer of Zebra Technologies. In this role, he is responsible for the exploration of emerging opportunities, coordinating with product teams on advanced product development and Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives. The Chief Technology Office is comprised of engineering, business, customer research and design functions.

Tom began his career in the tech industry at Symbol Technologies, Inc. (later acquired by Motorola) in 1994 as part of the data capture solutions business. In the following years, he held positions of increased responsibility including architectural and director of engineering roles.

Tom has been granted over 20 U.S. patents and is a Zebra Distinguished Innovator and Science Advisory Board associate. He was recently named one of the Top 100 Leaders in Technology 2021 by Technology Magazine.

Tom holds bachelor of science and master of science degrees in electrical engineering from Polytechnic University, NYU and serves on the board of directors for the School of Engineering at the New York Institute of Technology.

CEO and Founder of Xenex Consulting

Zen Tharani

Zen Tharani is an experienced management consultant with over 23 years of industry expertise. He is the CEO and Founder of Xenex Consulting Inc., a Canada based consultancy that provides tailored services globally to both public and private organizations, with a specific focus on digital health and informatics. Zen holds a BSc in Health Information Science and an MSc in Health Informatics, demonstrating his solid educational background in the field.

Zen’s professional contributions extend beyond his consulting work. He is an IVEY-certified Executive Coach and also shares his industry insights as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Victoria and University of Toronto, as well as an Executive Fellow with Woxsen University in India. These roles allow him to contribute to the development of future leaders and deepen his ability to influence transformation and innovation across organizations.

Zen has made significant contributions to the advancement of digital health during his tenure as an outgoing board member of Digital Health Canada and as the former Executive Director of Digital Health Strategic Initiatives for the British Columbia Ministry of Health serving a population of over 4 million. His ability to bridge the gap between theory and practice has been instrumental in shaping the evolution of digital health initiatives.

In recognition of his expertise and impact, Zen has received accolades such as the Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Award, underscoring his influence in Canada and within the digital health field.

Director at CONNECT Centre & Professor of Future Communication Networks at Trinity College Dublin

Professor Dan Kilper

Professor Daniel Kilper is a professor and innovator whose research is aimed at solving fundamental and real world problems in communication networks in order to create a faster, more affordable, and energy efficient Internet, addressing interdisciplinary challenges for smart cities, sustainability, and digital equity. Within both academia and industry, he has made pioneering contributions in communication devices and systems research, primarily spanning three areas: energy efficient communication networks, optical performance monitoring, and software defined optical networking.

Executive Chairman at Africa Health Business

Dr Amit N. Thakker

A visionary entrepreneur and an industry captain, Dr. Amit N. Thakker, has been a ground breaking pioneer in the integration of private sector within the healthcare system in Africa. Dr Thakker actively supports governments, corporates, health organisations and development partners to foster effective public private partnership initiatives towards improved health outcomes. He is the executive chairman of Africa Health Business, a health consultancy, advisory and investment firm that aims to improve access to quality affordable healthcare in Africa. He is also the president of Africa Healthcare Federation, chairperson of the Kenya Health Professionals Oversight Authority, and the former chairman of Kenya Healthcare Federation. He has served as a director at LumiraDx, Seven Seas Technology, AMREF Flying Doctors Action Aid, East African Health Platform and East African Business Council. As an active member of several institutions including international business group YPO Gold (Nairobi Chapter), Dr. Thakker also chairs the University of Nairobi Alumni Medical Chapter and serves as an Advisor/Director to AAIC Investment PTE. Ltd, Coalition for Blood in Africa (CoBA), United Asian Network (UAN), Ghanima Ltd, KEPSA (Kenya Private Sector Alliance) and Ministry of Health, Kenya. Dr. Thakker founded Avenue Healthcare, a Kenyan based integrated private health service provider in 1995 which led him to receive the “Best Male Entreprenuer of the Year” award by Rotary International in 1999. He has served as the CEO for Amini Management Ltd, Africa Medical Investments plc, Momentum Kenya leading him to win “Best CEO” award by Titans Global in the Business and Professional services category in 2017 and proudly received the Chairman’s Award for Kenya Medical Association in 2004.

Executive Director of InnovaScapes Institute & Co-Founder and Managing Partner for AstroVirtual Inc

Chuck House

Charles (Chuck) House is Executive Director of InnovaScapes Institute, and co-founder and Managing Partner for AstroVirtual Inc (AVI).  He will report on pioneering work with innovative digital display technology at AVI, and ‘big data’ geospatial longitudinal analyses for COPD and COVID at InnovaScapes Institute. House was previously Chancellor at Cogswell Polytechnic College, and Executive Director, Media X, at Stanford University.  Formerly, he was director of Societal Impact of Technology for Intel, and also director of Intel’s Virtual Collaboratory, after 29 years at Hewlett-Packard in a variety of management and technical roles. House is a past president of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), an ACM Fellow and an IEEE Fellow, and holds numerous other honors.  An inaugural member of the Colorado Air Pollution Control Commission, House is coauthor of The HP Phenomenon, and author of ten other books. House has a B.S. in engineering physics from the California Institute of Technology; an M.S.E.E. from Stanford University; an M.A. in the history of science from the University of Colorado and an M.B.A. (Strategic Studies) from Western Behavioral Sciences Institute (now the University of California, San Diego).  He also holds an honorary PhD from Cogswell College in Digital Arts.

GM & Chief Digital Officer of Ultrasound at GE Healthcare

Karley Yoder

Karley is the GM & Chief Digital Officer of Ultrasound at GE and previously Vice President & GM for AI at GE Healthcare. In her past roles at GE, she spearheaded AI strategy, product implementation, and ecosystem delivery across the GE Healthcare product portfolio. Through developing a healthcare-specific platform for creating Deep Learning (DL) and then infusing this DL intelligence back into product lines, Karley led commercialisation activities for AI solutions across GE Healthcare internal and partnership activities. With over a decade of experience focused in the digital healthcare space, Karley has held several product-related roles across the healthcare spectrum: spending time at Apple Health, leading implementations of the Affordable Care Act exchanges at the state level, providing business development strategies for Doctor On Demand (a San Francisco-based telemedicine startup), and conducting clinical and software research in the healthcare space at both Duke and Stanford Universities. Karley holds a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering from Duke University and a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School.

Director of the Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries at the University of Pecs Medical School

Attila Sik, PhD

Attila Sik is a neuroscientist with over 30 years of research experience. He worked in the USA, Canada, UK for over 20 years before returning to his home country Hungary 6 years ago. He has obtained an MBA in the UK, is currently finishing his second PhD in Economics, and studied at the Institute of Directors (London, UK) to obtain a diploma in corporate direction. In Hungary, he set up the Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries at the Medical School of the University of Pecs to link academia to the industrial sector and to the general public. He studies organisational networks and change management to increase innovation efficiency and well-being. He also developed a novel framework for discovering unmet needs in hospitals.

Chief Nursing Informatics Officer at Zebra Technologies

Rikki Jennings

Rikki Jennings, BSN, RN, CPN is currently the Chief Nursing Informatics Officer (CNIO) at Zebra Technologies where she is responsible for combining her knowledge of patient care, informatics concepts, and change management to effectively address the information and knowledge needs of healthcare professionals and patients to promote safe, effective, and efficient use of IT in clinical settings.  She also serves as the strategic liaison for health IT efforts representing nursing and clinician needs.

Early in her nursing career, Rikki recognized a disconnect between purchased technologies and the understanding of their intended value at the bedside by her fellow clinicians and pursued Nursing Informatics. She is passionate about the utilization of technology to support safer, more effective care models. Over the past several years, her work in the healthcare IT industry has provided her an in-depth knowledge of the workflows and utilization of clinical technologies including clinical communication systems, bedside technology solutions, and data analytics tools in hospitals across the country.  In 2019, Rikki was recognized in Crain’s Chicago Business’ Notable Women in Healthcare list. Rikki holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from University of Iowa.

Senior Associate, Department of International Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Patty Mecheal

Dr. Patricia (Patty) Mechael is a writer and public health specialist, who combines her passions for women, technology, science, and the world to inspire women and girls through her writing. Drawing on her career in global health, Patty’s works wrestle with the toughest public health and societal issues of our time, including the anti-vaxxer movement, school shootings, and mental health alongside sexism and racism. Her writing also draws on her more than 20 years of work across more than 30 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Chief Nursing Informatics Officer at Dell Technologies

Romina Elias

Romina Elias is the Chief Nursing Informatics Officer for Dell Technologies. She comes with over 18 years of healthcare experience and is part of the Healthcare and Life Sciences practice within Dell. A nurse by trade, Romina’s passion for patient care and healthcare IT motivates her to help deliver technologies that
positively impact care delivery for both clinicians and patients alike. Prior to joining Dell, Romina was a Nursing Executive where she drove quality outcomes and patient experience results by developing efficient processes in healthcare delivery. Her team received the prestigious Beacon Gold award for clinical excellence as well as the Guardian of Excellence Award for outstanding patient experience 3 years in a row. Romina has led a diverse team of nurses and physicians through two successful Joint Commission surveys, DOH visits and the COVID pandemic. Utilizing limited resources and managing dynamic healthcare needs, she leveraged years of operational leadership experience to implement processes to safely care for patients throughout the pandemic. Romina leveraged her experience in health informatics
to lead organizations through electronic medical record upgrades and implementations. In the spring of 2021, she served as the Nursing lead for the Epic EMR implementation, ensuring patient safety and clinician satisfaction while maintaining and improving key performance indicators. Romina also has a passion for learning. She has a Master of Science in Nursing Informatics from Walden University and a Doctorate in Nursing Practice from Capella University. She holds both a Nursing Informatics
and a Nurse Executive – Advance certificate from the American Credentialing Center. Romina is an advocate of furthering the nursing profession through education and has mentored several nurses through their pursuit of advanced degrees.

Parkinson's Disease Patient and Advocate

Gary Boyle

Gary lives in Dublin, Ireland, with his wife, son and daughter. Gary spent most of his career working for a large multinational corporation in senior human resource roles. He was diagnosed with Young-Onset Parkinson’s Disease in 2011, at the age of 44, and ceased working in 2015.

Gary is now a patient advocate and champion of greater awareness of Parkinson’s, and has been a Board member of the Parkinson’s Association of Ireland for two years, until early 2020.  He is currently a board member of Parkinson’s Europe. He is passionate about maintaining an active lifestyle to keep Parkinson’s at bay.

Professor and Director of the Australian Institute of Health Innovation at Macquarie University

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite is Founding Director of the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Director of the Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science and Professor of Health Systems Research at Macquarie University.

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite is a leading health services and systems researcher with an international reputation for his work investigating and contributing to systems improvement. He has particular expertise in the culture and structure of acute settings, leadership, management and change in health sector organisations, quality and safety in healthcare, accreditation and surveying processes in the international context and the restructuring of health services. Professor Braithwaite is well known for bringing management and leadership concepts and evidence into the clinical arena. He has published extensively, with over 756 refereed contributions and over 28,295 citations. Professor Braithwaite is the recipient of career research funding of more than $187 million over 125 grants. He has presented at or chaired international and national conferences, workshops, symposia and meetings on more than 1,257 occasions, including 121 keynote addresses.

Professor Braithwaite is the recipient of 65 awards, including the prestigious Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association 2021 Sidney Sax Medal for leadership in improving the delivery, quality, and safety of healthcare systems. He was also awarded the Health Services Research Award by Research Australia in 2015 and multiple Editor’s Choice awards for papers published in the International Journal for Quality in Health Care. In 2020, Professor Braithwaite was inducted as President of ISQua.

Professor Braithwaite’s cutting-edge research on culture, reform, and resilience has produced an extensive body of work that includes 15 highly regarded books. Professor Braithwaite has also led research laying new underpinnings of the discipline, particularly applying complexity science to healthcare improvement and reform. The International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) has indicated that Professor Braithwaite contributes the most valuable international research in the field. Numerous national governments and health systems, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) have made extensive use of his work on quality indicators and Safety-II. A major breakthrough is represented in papers providing advances in healthcare structural change, and the need to deploy more sophisticated change strategies such as via complexity science, culture change or organisational change through collaborative networks.

Professor Braithwaite referees for 31 journals and the health research bodies of Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland and the United Kingdom as well as for many international conferences and symposia. He publishes in the leading journals in three convergent fields and thus expresses his work at a unique intersection of organisational studies, health services research and clinical care. Journals he contributes to include Journal of the American Medical Association, BMC Medicine, the British Medical Journal, The Lancet, PLoS Medicine, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Health Services Management Research, BMJ Quality and Safety, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, Social Science & Medicine, BMC Health Services Research, International Journal of Health Planning and Management and Journal of Health, Organisation and Management.

CEO & Founder of TriMedika LIMITED

Dr Roisin M. Molloy

Roisin is CEO of & was awarded EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2021, building innovative medical technology. Having completed the Ignite 100 program, Roisin is passionate about translating technology into the hands of doctors and nurses to save money, optimise infection control, reduce plastic waste for the benefit of patients and our planet.

Founder & Board Director at Od-Dariya Foundation

Urga Azat

Urga Azat is a former diplomatic officer who grew into a social entrepreneur and grass root digital health spread head in Mongolia.
She co-founded Oddariya Foundation to close Mongolian healthcare’s technical, knowledge, and digital gap.
Currently, Oddariya is creating a healthcare professional website to provide an online professional platform for a wide range of medical professionals, from doctors to medical biomedical engineers. At the same time, Urga is also working on an application with her team to increase the accessibility and effectiveness of primary health care in Mongolia by providing essential public health education, the opportunity to track individual health records and statistics, and personalized nutrition and disease management information.
Chief Executive Officer at Ufinity

Prashant Parida

Clinical psychologist, TV commentator, Author, United Nations NGO representative & Columbia University Teachers College, USA

Professor Judy Kuriansky

Dr. Judy Kuriansky is a world renowned radio advice host, clinical psychologist and certified sex therapist, popular lecturer, newspaper columnist, and author of many books. She is a pioneer of radio call-in advice, and Internet advice. On the faculty of the Clinical Psychology Program at Columbia University Teachers College and visiting professor of Peking University Health Science Center in Beijing, she is a frequent commentator on international media –including CNN — on various news issues.
Dr. Judy is on the Advisory Board of several magazines and public service organizations, and works extensively in Asia on health and women’s issues, and Known for her relationship advice, Dr. Judy is also expert on emergency mental health services, and has worked at Ground Zero and many other disasters worldwide, and lectures about coping with world conflicts, including in the Middle East.

A graduate of Smith College, Dr. Kuriansky earned a masters degree at Boston University and her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from N.Y.U. where she taught psychology.  She spent ten years at Columbia Medical Center and London’s Maudsley hospital, as a Senior  Research Scientist, and has conducted hundreds of workshops and published many professional journal articles including in the distinguished American Journal of Psychiatry. She has held many leadership positions, including at the Center for Spirituality and Psychotherapy, and teaching at universitiesa around the world, inclhding in the Clinical Psychology department for graduate students at Columbia University Teachers College and as visitng porfessor in Hong Kong adn in Beijing China.

Specialist of Health Informatics & Smart Health Department at Dubai Health Authority

Dr Osama El-Hassan

Dr. Osama El-Hassan is a co-founder and the vice-chair of Emirates Health Informatics Society. He serves as a Health Informatics Specialist at Dubai Health Authority to strategize and develop the digital health regulatory framework of Dubai. Dr. El-Hassan is also the co-founder and the coordinator of the GCC Taskforce on Workforce Development in Digital Healthcare, which aims at empowering young local talents to enact eHealth roles through continuous training and rewarding career paths. He obtained a PhD in Informatics from University of Leicester and an MSc in Advanced Computing from Imperial College in UK. Dr. El-Hassan research interests are eHealth workforce development, HIE and Information Governance.

Founder and Managing Partner of NovaMed

David Walcott, Ph.D.

David (MD. Ph.D. MSc.) is committed to bringing world-class healthcare to emerging markets as Founder of Novamed, a healthcare investment firm focused on healthcare services, medical education & health innovation with portfolio companies in Latin America & the Caribbean, MENA & Africa. He is Founding Partner of The Visionaries’ Summit, an opportunity exchange platform convening a community controlling US$140 billion in equity that has seeded over US$300 million in investments in the Caribbean. He has been recognized by Forbes, World Economic Forum, the United Nations and the IMF and is currently a member of the WEF Global Future Council & Young Global Leader communities. His academic profile includes the Rhodes Scholarship, Oxford, INSEAD, Harvard & Wharton

Chief Executive Offiver and Chief Medical Officer of the Senior Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Surgeon at Novick Cardiac Alliancel

Dr William M. Novick, MD

Dr Novick is a graduate of University of Alabama School of Medicine and completed his General Surgical Residency at the Graduate Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania before entering the Cardiothoracic Residency at the University of Alabama in Birmingham.

GM of New Ventures, Ultrasound Digital Solutions at GE Healthcare

Vaishali Kamat

Vaishali Kamat is a General Manager of New Ventures, Ultrasound Digital Solutions at GE Healthcare. She is also an intrapreneur who drives innovation and digital transformation in the ultrasound business. She has been working at GE Healthcare since 2016

Counsel at Rothwell Figg IP Professionals

James R. Hastings

James Hastings has more than twenty years of experience representing healthcare, technology, and consumer goods clients in all facets of trademark law and brand protection. Previously, he served as in-house counsel to a well-known U.S. catalog and e-commerce retailer. He is the editor of the online publication, Trademark Opposition Lawyer, a digital guide about contested proceedings before the U.S. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB). James is an approved mediator of the International Trademark Association Panel of Mediators, an alternative dispute resolution forum with approximately 150 mediators worldwide. He is also a featured CLE instructor on issues of trademark law and brand protection, including through Strafford Publications and The Knowledge Group. His insight on trademark law has been solicited by and featured in Corporate Counsel, Bloomberg BNA,, and other national legal publications. link

Partner of Life Sciences Practice at McKinsey & Co

Dr Tobias Silberzahn

Based in Berlin, Tobias is a partner in the firm’s Life Sciences Practice. He is also a trained biochemist and immunologist, with a focus on healthcare innovation, health tech business-building and digital transformation.

Tobias leads the Health Tech Network, a global community of more than 1,500 health tech company CEOs and founders, as well as more than 400 friends of the network. Tobias also hosts the Medtech R&D industry roundtable and co-publishes the “eHealth Monitor Germany”, an annual book about the digitization of the German health system.

Within McKinsey, Tobias co-leads a health and wellbeing program for employees in Germany and Austria—focused on sleep, nutrition, stress management and fitness—that was recently awarded the Brandon Hall HCM Excellence Award in Gold.

Tobias is a member of SCIANA: The Health Leaders Network, and supports Startsocial, a not-for-profit program aimed at advancing social initiatives in Germany.

Director of Digital Health Program at Columbia Business School

Stan Kachnowski Ph.D

Professor Stan Kachnowski, PhD MPA CSEP, an Oxford trained researcher, has taught over 5,000 students from Columbia University, IIT-Delhi, and Quinnipiac College. His teaching and research over the past 25 years includes educating graduate level and executive students on 4 continents and conducting extensive studies on the efficacy and diffusion of digital health, including electronic data capture, ePRO, wearables, and predictive algorithms.

Professor Kachnowski has authored over 200 peer-reviewed papers and presentations for national and international journals and societies in digital health development, management, and diffusion. He was selected as a Fellow to CHIME in 1998. In 2003 he received a letter of commendation for teaching excellence from the Dean of the School of Public Health at Columbia University. Professor Kachnowski was named a Fellow to England’s Royal Society of Medicine for his research demonstrating the outcomes effectiveness of using the Palm Pilot in managing haemophilia patients in 2005. Professor Kachnowski has received grant funding from a wide ranging groups of sponsors, including over a dozen nations, AARP, WHO, USAID, Gates and Dell Foundations, and most of the top 20 global life science companies. Over the past 25 years he has also served as interim CTO for life science organizations, including Eyetech and He currently serves on the Board of Directors for Oursmedicina, The Hudson Center for Health Equity, and Aptus Health.

Professor Kachnowski holds Bachelors and Master’s Degrees from the University of Vermont, and a Doctorate from the University of Oxford.

Director of the Global Healthcare Innovation Management Center, Fordham University

Professor Falguni Sen

Falguni Sen is head of Fordham’s Global Healthcare Innovation Management Center, which aims to promote a high-level international conversation about business, social and health issues. He also is a professor and area chair of atrategy and statistics. Before coming to Fordham, Professor Sen acted as a consultant for numerous private, public and government organizations in the United States, India and Ireland.

Professor Sen has won Fordham’s Gladys and Henry Crown Award for Faculty Excellence. He also received a dissertation grant from the National Science Foundation and a graduate fellowship at Northwestern University from the Ford Foundation.

Chairman at BAYADA Home Health Care

J. Mark Baiada

Global Leader at the McKinsey Health Institute

Dr Lars Hartenstein

Lars is the Global Leader of the McKinsey Health Institute, a non-profit generating entity within McKinsey established to drive progress in health, help people live longer and improve their quality of life. He is passionate about advancing societal impact by bringing together stakeholders from a range of sectors to collaborate on solving complex problems and bringing opportunities to life. With more than 15 years’ experience in global health, life sciences and impact finance, he has a track record in building and transforming organizations, fostering the broader use of data and analytics to advance social objectives, and launching and scaling innovations. Lars is also Non-Executive Chair of the Societal Impact Financing Initiative (SciFi) and on the steering committee of the Trinity Challenge, a coalition established to improve the use of data and analytics in response to health emergencies. Lars is a father of two young boys, he is a mountain and winter sports enthusiast and a lover of classical music.

Harvey Castro, MD

Executive Director, Germany

Dr Monika Suryavanshi

With over two decades of experience in the healthcare industry, Dr Monika developed a deep understanding of health and care systems, bringing both clinical and managerial expertise from different markets and cultures. As an expert on a wide range of strategic, operational and compliance projects, ranging from developing new business and care models to improving processes and workflows in hospitals, she worked with various stakeholders in different countries such as USA, Spain, Kazakhstan, Georgia, China, and Kenya.
Amongst others, Dr Monika worked as Executive Director of Helios Healthcare Architects, a consulting business unit of Fresenius Helios, one of the largest healthcare groups in Europe. Before joining Helios group, Dr. Monika has worked in clinical and management capacities as an emergency physician and hospital manager for 15 years in India. She headed her own hospital and a clinic in Pune, a first-tier city in India.
She was also a faculty member and trainer in Emergency Medicine and American Heart Association courses at Symbiosis International University, Pune, India.
Dr Monika’s academic background includes Harvard Business School, MIT Sloan, USA and International University, Germany.

Board Advisor & Fractional Chief Commercial Officerat Modicus Prime

Rachel Loui

Rachel is currently Board Advisor & Fractional Chief Commercial Officer at Modicus Prime. Prior to this she was with Google as their International Growth for US Customers, Head of Business & Industrial Markets. Preceding this, she wa Chief Strategy Officer and Head of Business Operations for China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, at the world’s largest privately-held pharmaceutical company. Rachel had also held the position of VP and was the Business Unit lead for two of the world’s top 4 advertising agency conglomerates. She started her career in management consulting. Additionally, Rachel is a Columbia Business School lecturer. She frequently lectures on the topic, ‘Winning the Chinese Market as a Female Executive.’ In 2016, she published the China humour business book, ‘Why the Chicken Crossed the World.’ The book was summarized as ‘Imagine if Tina Fey were Asian and describing her home country.’

Vice President of Clinical Implementation and Education at Butterfly Network

Dr. Peter Weimersheimer

Dr. Peter Weimersheimer is Vice President of Clinical Implementation and Education at Butterfly Network, Inc. He is committed to transforming health care, especially in resource limited settings, through Butterfly’s handheld digital ultrasound technology and enterprise software. He focuses on developing sustainable and successful Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) programs, curriculum design, and hand-on training. Dr. Weimersheimer is Professor Emeritus of Emergency Medicine (EM) at the Larner College of Medicine (LCOM) at the University of Vermont with 28 years of clinical experience. He was the founder and Director of the University of Vermont(UVM) Emergency Ultrasound Program, UVM EM Residency POCUS curriculum, UVMTEE resuscitation program, LCOM 4th year medical student elective in point of care ultrasound, LCOM integrated 4-year medical school curriculum, and UVM EM nurse/tech POCUS-guided IV program. Awards included UVM EM Residency Teacher of the Year and UVM Surgery Excellence in Trauma Care. Dr. Weimersheimer was the UVM Health Network Director of Clinical Ultrasound, integrating POCUS across 7 Emergency Departments. He developed global credentialing and practice standards for that system and for other clinical specialties. He is a Professor in both the Ultrasound Leadership Academy and in the Rural Ultrasound Fellowship. He lectures, teaches, and mentors health practitioners internationally.

Global Chief Executive Officer at RECAINSA

Daniel Otzoy García

Daniel Otzoy García is Guatemalan, a Computer Science Engineer with postgraduate studies in Information Technology and Health Informatics. He is a digital health technical advisor at John Snow, Inc. Research and Training Institute, supporting projects mostly in Africa and Southeast Asia with funded by USAID and other donors.

International specialist in digital transformation with +17 years of experience working in Latin America and the Caribbean on Digital Health projects funded by PAHO/WHO, Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank, CDC, Global Fund, USAID among others, implementing digital technologies in public health and healthcare, and promoting the adoption of digital health strategies as well as health data governance and interoperability standards. Wide experience working on digital transformation and cybersecurity projects in the security and justice sector in Latin America funded by USAID and UNODC.

Co-founder and Executive Director of RECAINSA, member of the HIMSS America Advisory Board, chair of the digital transformation commission of the International Organization of Telehealth and Telemedicine, among other initiatives.

Acute & Intensive Care Consultant at the Royal Berkshire Hospital (UK)

Dr Andrew Walden

Andrew Walden is a consultant in Acute and Intensive Care Medicine at the Royal Berkshire hospital in Reading and an honorary senior lecturer at Oxford University. He has used Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) in his clinical practice for over 15 years and has been involved in developing ultrasound competencies in Acute Medicine, Intensive Care and more recently in Primary Care.

He has a multi-disciplinary team within his hospital using POCUS including nurses, physiotherapists and physician associates practising across a wide range of specialties.

Research interests include the use of POCUS in low and middle income countries, most recently using ultrasound to examine pulmonary complications of malaria in children in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

His current initiative is the remote supervision of GPs in the Republic of Ireland using a combination of in person and cloud based supervision, to develop competency in answering specific clinical questions without the need for referral onto secondary care.

He strongly believes that the technological advances in hand held ultrasound devices will allow for more accurate diagnosis at initial consultation with better patient experience, patient outcomes and significant health savings for healthcare economies around the world

Chief Medical Officer at Butterfly Network

Dr John Martin

John Martin is the Chief Medical Officer of Butterfly Network a transformative technology enabled software company that is changing healthcare in all care venues across the globe. He is also a board certified in vascular surgeon, Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and an assistant professor at the University of Maryland. He also completed an MBA program at the Carey School of Business at Johns Hopkins University. He served in the United States Air Force for 7 years first as a corpsman and then after completing medical school and training he returned as a Surgeon. He has held multiple positions throughout his career including Chief of Vascular Surgery and Director of Heart and Vascular Services at Anne Arundel Medical Center, President of Cardiology Associates, and Vice President of Physician Operations for MedStar Medical Group Health. He is the founder and President of the Heart Health Foundation and the award-winning Dare to CARE Program, a free cardiovascular screening and education program. He is the author of multiple peer reviewed papers and book chapters, holds several patents on medical devices and developed clinical software used across the United States. He is an often-requested speaker including TedMed, Wall Street Journal Live in Hong Kong and HLTH.

Chief Executive Officer of Care-Connect

Dr Donal Bailey

Dr Donal Bailey has been a medical practitioner since 2009 and working in Centric Health since 2016, most recently as Director of Clinical Innovation. He is now the CEO of Care-Connect, our new care management business between Centric Health and Irish Life Health. He is a medical graduate of Trinity College Dublin, MSc Sports and Exercise Medicine 2011 from Queen Mary University London, MICGP since 2016, and Executive MBA 2017 from University College Dublin

Symposium Sponsors

Zebra Technologies

Orion Health

VNS Health

Northwell Health


Zebra Technologies

Orion Health

VNS Health

Northwell Health