Holistic Organisation Transformation
November 26th 2020 – 14:00 – 16:00 GMT (UTC+00:00)
Digital Transformation signifies a fundamental change in how technology, strategy, processes, and people combine to radically enhance how businesses and other organisations perform.
When it comes to implementing organisation transformation and change, these dimensions needs to be understood in an holistic manner. Any effective business leader will tell you that introducing new technology is the easier part of the equation; it’s the strategic, cultural, and process changes that can thwart transformation progress.
Organisational silos, analysis paralysis and the ‘tyranny of bureaucracy’ often countervail transformation efforts. In this webinar, we explore how an increased emphasis on the holistic interoperation of strategy, organisational culture, and process innovation can improve the likelihood of a successful transformation.
The Speakers

Facilitator: Joan Mulvihill
Digitalisation Lead, Siemens IrelandAs the Digitalisation Lead for Siemens in Ireland, Joan Mulvihill continues to be at the forefront of driving technology adoption in Ireland. Having held the position of CEO of the Irish Internet Association for 7 years, followed by 2 years as the Centre Director for the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce, her role at Siemens builds on Siemens’ and her deep commitment to and understanding of the needs of Irish business for their digital transformation. Digitalisation means working differently. Siemens will always work with their clients to meet their operational technology needs with world class products and services and now through Digitalisation, Siemens leverages its domain expertise with clients to transform and create the businesses of their future.

Dr. Noel Carroll
Dr. Noel Carroll is a Lecturer in Business Information Systems at NUI Galway and Programme Director for the MSc. in Information Systems Management (ISM). He is also a researcher with Lero – the Irish Software Research Centre. His research interests include seeking ways to support organisations in developing transformation strategies, for example, large-scale agile transformations, digital innovation, and health informatics for multinationals, SMEs, and start-ups. He enjoys exploring new (interdisciplinary) theoretical perspectives around managing and sustaining transformation processes. Noel has edited special issues, published, chaired, and reviewed for leading international journals and conferences in his field.

Prof. Dr. rer.-pol. Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Pflaum
Director Fraunhofer Center for Applied Research on Supply Chain Services SCS
Chair Supply Chain Management, Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg
Professor Alexander Pflaum is an expert on the use of information and communication technologies in value creation processes and uses his knowledge to forge links between the worlds of technology and management. Pflaum has been working at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS for over 20 years in a wide range of positions, since 2016 as director of the Center for Applied Research on Supply Chain Services SCS, located in Nuremberg and Bamberg, whose vision is to use data to generate success and added value for companies. Since 2011 he also holds the Chair of Business Administration, with special emphasis on Supply Chain Management, at the University of Bamberg. Prof. Pflaum is committed to enabling businesses to emerge strengthened from their digital transformation.
The IVI Webinar series aims to bring together thought leaders from the world of academia, business and public sector to address key challenges in the areas of innovation, technology management and technology adoption. In 2020 the webinar series will replace the IVI annual summit which has taken place since 2007 in Maynooth University and has attracted speakers and attendees from across the globe.