Project Description:
Burnout at work is a prominent issue and changing forms of work have brought novel forms of job strain. This research project seeks to better understand the contemporary experience of workplace stress and burnout and the role technology can play in alleviating and mitigating these outcomes. Building on current knowledge and collaborating with industry, the aim of the research is to investigate and build a data-driven technological solution that drives behaviour change and more positive work outcomes.
Researchers: Simon Hanratty, Dr. Jean Cushen, Prof. Markus Helfert, Dr. Marco Alfano
Funding: SFI – Lero
Collaboration / Partners: The research is carried out in collaboration with an industry partner company.
Timeframe: 2022-2025
About the Researchers:

Simon Hanratty

Dr Jean Cushen

Professor Markus Helfert

Dr Marco Alfano