In the past couple of years, we, as a group of researchers based in Denmark, Sweden and Ireland, have been working on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in supply chain management, logistics, and operations management. More recently, our focus has been on forecasting sales and operations planning.
In our current project, we are planning to continue our research with a greater depth and at a higher scale. We intend to adopt more complex techniques and incorporate different types of data, to enhance the richness of the results. One of the most important topics that can be analysed with AI techniques is the impact of the recent pandemic on supply chains and operation processes. COVID-19 has interrupted almost all industries and has brought about new problems to solve.
In addition to typical data, in the form of numerical quantitative data (what we normally see in spreadsheets), we are also looking for pictures, videos, social media content, and so forth. However, quantitative data will still be our main input in the analysis process. This data can represent, sales, inventory, performance, etc. and it normally represents a set of dependent and independent variables. We are particularly interested in a data set that covers the COVID-19 period, allowing us to study the impact of the pandemic on companies. So, if you have such a data set and you are willing to participate in our research project, let us know.
Researchers: Javad Esmaeili Nooshabadi, Dr. Ali Nazarpour, Pejvak Oghazi, Dr. Vahid Sohrabpour
Funding:Seed Funding, Maynooth University School of Business
Timeframe: 2022-2023
About the Researchers:
We are a group of researchers based in Denmark, Sweden and Ireland. The results of our recent and related research have been published in scientific journals and conferences. For instance, in one of our works in 2021, we proposed a novel AI-based causal framework for modelling and forecasting export sales which were well received by the academic and industry audience:
Sohrabpour, V., Oghazi, P., Toorajipour, R., and Nazarpour, A., 2021. Export sales forecasting using artificial intelligence. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 163, p.120480.

Javad Esmaeili Nooshabadi

Dr Ali Nazarpour

Pejvak Oghazi

Dr. Vahid Sohrabpour