Dr Mansoor Ahmed worked in the Web Science Lab in Indiana University 2010-2011 on the VIVO project which developed a discovery tool that enables collaboration among scientists across all disciplines. In 2017, he worked as a Senior Researcher at University College Dublin, where he conducted research on developing an effective model to detect digital fraud for the sustainable development of banks and financial institutions.
He has authored over 60+ research articles in reputed international journals / conferences and also book chapters.Â
He is member of Editorial Review Board of many International Journals. Besides this, he has organized number of workshops and also serves as Technical Program Committee (TPC) member in International reputed conferences.
Dr Ahmed’s research interests include Data Provenance, Blockchain, Semantic Web technologies, Knowledge-based systems, Privacy issues in Health care data, Cloud Computing Security, Information Security, and Privacy.
Mansoor is currently an ELITE-S researcher, working under the supervision of Prof Markus Helfert, Innovation Value Institute, on the project Semantic Blockchain: Providing Provenance for GDPR Compliance. ELITE-S is a Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Action for an intersectoral training, career development and mobility fellowship programme, based at the ADAPT Centre in Dublin City University and its academic partners.

Project Overview:
This project will produce a solution that will allow data owners throughout EU to have an immutable chain of compliance data for the health informatics domain. Consensual information about the data, which a data owner gives to a data controller holds extreme importance in the case of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). After the application of GDPR, a data controller is bound to record explicit consent from a data owner about the storage and processing of his personal information. Storing this information has its own challenges i.e., proving to the authorities that the data recorded is true and has not changed in a malicious way.
It is also essential to make sure that the final form of data does not cover up any discrepancies that may have happened at the data controller’s or data processor’s end. Confirming the execution of agreed-upon processes is also a challenging task. Since blockchain has a limited expressive power, and a compliance system requires not only reliability but also some formalization which semantic web can provide.
Therefore, this will be a novel system that will ensure the provenance of data with the help of blockchain and semantic web technologies. The data recorded through this system will be immutable and will ensure complete traceability.