The 4th UNGA Digital Health Symposium

Event Overview
The Innovation Value Institute (IVI) are thrilled to announce the upcoming 4th Digital Health Symposium at United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), taking place on September 24-26th 2024 in New York City.
We have made remarkable progress in health as a global society, more than doubling life expectancy in just over two centuries. Public health and clinical innovations have been major contributors to this improvement. But across the world, healthcare systems are facing a major crisis caused by a perfect storm of factors – rapidly rising healthcare costs, clinician burnout and attrition, and demographics going in the wrong direction. Since 2018, there are more people over 65 than under the age of five in the world. Equally half the world do not have access to affordable care and for the half that do, it is becoming increasingly unaffordable. Time magazine recently wrote about the coming collapse of the US healthcare system, and the New York Times published an opinion piece about how that doctors aren’t burnt out from overwork, but demoralised by a broken healthcare system. According to the WHO and the World Bank Half the world lacks access to essential health services, 100 million still pushed into extreme poverty because of health expenses.
Registration is now closed. The event is fully booked.
Note: This event is by invitation only.
Date and time:
24-26th September 2024
08:30 – 17:30 (US ET)
13:30 – 22:30 (IST)
24-25th: Northwell Health,
UJA Conference Centre,
130 East 59th Street,
New York, 10022, USA.
26th: Fordham University’s Lincoln Center Campus,
First Floor, McNally Amphitheatre,
140 West 62 Street,
New York, 10023, USA
According to the World Bank Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 11 percent of the world’s population yet bears 24 percent of the global disease burden and commands less than one percent of global health expenditure. It also faces a severe shortage of trained medical personnel, with just three percent of the world’s health workers deployed in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Ex UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the UK’s NHS is making people sicker and saying “the entire British state is on the verge of becoming a subsidiary of the NHS”, he argues, “pointing out that the cost of healthcare has risen from 27% of day-to-day public spending to 44% since the turn of the century”.
Healthcare is stuck in a time warp. Adapting from Peter Drucker “Every Organization or indeed Industry needs a theory of the Business” and “a valid theory that is clear, consistent, and focused is extraordinarily powerful.” An example is Moore’s Law which set a competitive challenge for the collective semiconductor industry that drove alignment, amplification and acceleration for the entire industry and has created the engine to transform our world into a digital and perhaps the most sustainable one.
We proposed “Stay Left, Shift Left-10X as the Moore’s Law for the Healthcare Industry. Stay Left is about first keeping well people well or if you need rehab or have a chronic disease this can be done best of all from home. Shift Left is about getting patients as quickly as possible from Hospital to Community to Home. 10X is the notion that when digital technologies are applied to health, we can do things 10X better, faster, cheaper and higher volume.

In 2021, the first Digital Health Symposium produced a white paper ‘The Digital Transition for Healthcare’ based on the “Stay Left, Shift Left, 10X” strategy outlining the need, rationale, and benefits for doing this with fifteen global co-authors. In 2022 the second Digital Health Symposium co-created the ‘Manhattan Manifesto’ including 12 guidelines for governments and organizations for achieving digital health equity, signed by fifty collaborators. In 2024, the 4th Digital Health Symposium will focus on moving from “Ambition to Action” and creating plans for alignment, amplification, and acceleration of our collective efforts to achieve health and wellbeing for all at all ages.

You are invited as a thought, clinical, practice, political or patient leader to attend, co-create and speak at the Symposium. The format of the conference consists of TED style stimulus keynotes, panels and working sessions. The symposium is designed to enable discourse, co-design, reflection, and exchange of ideas, concepts, policy, and practice to inform innovative action and build the relationships, trust and shared vision and values to accelerate SDG 3 and global health equity for all, Stay Left Shift Left 10X.
Prof. Martin Curley, Director, Digital Health Ecosystem, Innovation Value Institute, Maynooth University
Dr John Sheehan, Clinical Radiologist, Blackrock Health and Medical Director, Mobile Medical Diagnostics
Ryl Jensen, CEO, New Zealand Digital Health Association
Agenda DAY 1 (24th)
Proposed Agenda subject to limited changes
08:30 | Welcome | |
Prof Martin Curley | Director of Digital Health Ecosystem – IVI & Maynooth University | |
Dr John Sheehan | Clinical Director, Mobile Medical Diagnostics & Consultant Radiologist, Blackrock Health | |
Ryl Jensen (& Maori Blessing) | Chief Executive Officer – Digital Health Association, New Zealand | |
08:40 | Program Review | |
Russ Branzell | President & Chief Executive Officer – CHIME | |
Prof Martin Curley | Director of Digital Health Ecosystem – IVI & Maynooth University | |
Dr John Sheehan | Clinical Director, Mobile Medical Diagnostics & Consultant Radiologist, Blackrock Health | |
08:50 | Welcome and Opening Address, Scene Setting | |
Patient Message Video | ||
Gary Boyle | Vice President – Parkinsons Europe | |
Dr Kevin Bock | Chief Health Information Officer – Northwell Health | |
Opening Address | ||
Prof Eeva Leinonen | President – Maynooth University | |
Prof Jeffrey Braithwaite | Head – Australian Institute of Health Innovation | |
Michael Carey | Chairman – Enterprise Ireland | |
09:05 | Stay Left, Shift Left-10X -Global Health Transformation | |
Prof Martin Curley | Director of Digital Health Ecosystem – IVI & Maynooth University | |
09:30 | Opening Ted Talks: AI & Stay Left, Shift Left-10X & Design Doing | |
Prof Matt Mullarkey | Professor – University of South Florida | |
Richard Jones | President – C2-Ai | |
10:00 | Leadership Panel 1: The Global Health Landscape | |
Prof Pam Cipriano | President – International Council of Nurses | |
Dr Kevin Bock | Chief Health Information Officer – Northwell Health | |
Ann Aerts | President – the Novartis Foundation | |
10:30 | Break | |
10:45 | Opening Keynote: “Metamorphosis in Global Health: Lessons from The Journey of Humanity” | |
Prof Oded Galor | Professor – Brown University | |
11:15 | Panel 2: Provosts Panel | |
Prof Eeva Leinonen | President – Maynooth University | |
Prof Katia Passerini | Provost and Senior Executive Vice President – Seton Hall University | |
Dr Mangal Rawal | Vice Chancellor – the Academy of Health Sciences in Nepal | |
11:45 | Dr Kevin Bock | Digital and Data at Northwell Health |
12:00 | Lunch | |
13:00 | Track Sessions | |
16:00 | Break | |
16:15 | Closing Keynote: The Future of Health: Building Our Tomorrows Today | |
Dr Rasu Shrestha | EVP/Chief Innovation and Commercialization Officer, Advocate Health | |
16:50 | Closing Remarks | |
Russ Branzell | President & Chief Executive Officer – CHIME | |
Prof Martin Curley | Director of Digital Health Ecosystem – IVI & Maynooth University | |
17:00 | Reception at Venue |
Track Session – Cybersecurity | ||
13:00 | Carter Groome | Chief Executive Officer/ President, First Health Advisory |
13:30 | Dr John Sheehan | Clinical Director, Mobile Medical Diagnostics & Consultant Radiologist, Blackrock Health |
14:00 | Hazel Chappell | Founder & Principal Consultant – ishca health |
Charles Aunger | Founder & Chief Executive Officer – HEAL Security | |
Aaron Miri | SVP & Chief Digital & Information Officer – Baptist Health | |
14:30 | Break | |
15:00 | Theresa Meadows | Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer – Cook Children’s Health Care System |
15:30 | Panel | |
Lisa Gallagher | National Cyber Advisor, CHIME | |
Dr John Sheehan | Clinical Director, Mobile Medical Diagnostics & Consultant Radiologist, Blackrock Health | |
Carter Groome | Chief Executive Officer/ President, First Health Advisory | |
Theresa Meadows | Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer – Cook Children’s Health Care System |
Track Session – Digital Health | ||
13:00 | Design Doing – Tampa General Hospital; Hospital at Home | |
Dr Peter Chang | Chief Transformation Officer and SVP– Tampa General Hospital | |
13:30 | Fireside Chat: Leadership in Digital Health | |
Prof Katia Passerini | Provost and Senior Executive Vice President – Seton Hall University | |
Hani Eskander | Head of Digital Services Division of the Telecommunication Development Bureau – ITU | |
Ryl Jensen | Chief Executive Officer – Digital Health Association, New Zealand | |
14:00 | Best Practice – Spotlight on Saudi Arabia | |
Dr. Abdulrahman Alshaikh | Director of Population Health – Lean Business Services | |
Ahmed Alnaji | Director of Unified Health Record – Lean Business Services | |
14:30 | Break | |
15:00 | Panel Discussion: 2 *Ted Talks – Resilient Health and Medtech Futures | |
Prof Judy Kuriansky | Professor Columbia University & Author Resilience Health | |
Ruchica Singal | President, Medtronic Labs | |
Hani Eskander | Head of Digital Services Division of the Telecommunication Development Bureau – ITU | |
15.30 | International Best Practice: Stay Left, Shift Left-10X | |
Dr Amar Ahmed | Director – NHS Wilmslow Health Centre | |
Dr Fairi Admed | ||
Urga Azat | Oddariya Foundation, Mongolia | |
Chuck House (video) |
AstroVirtual Inc – Digital Health Observatory |
Track Session – AI/Tech | ||
13:00 | AI & IOT Transforming Health | |
13:00 | AI, Digital Health and Rare Diseases | |
Tamar Thompson, MS | Vice president and head of global corporate affairs, Alexion, AstraZeneca Rare Disease, United States (moderator) | |
Dr Tom Defay | Deputy head, diagnostics strategy and development – Alexion, AstraZeneca Rare Disease, and vice chair, BeginNGS Consortium, United States | |
Sheela Upadhyaya | Consultant and former associate director of the Highly Specialized Technology Program – NICE, United Kingdom | |
Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger | Chair – Rare Diseases International, Canada | |
13.30 | AI in Health – The Potential | (tbc) |
Rebecca Distler | Strategic Partnerships, OpenAI | |
David O’Malley | SVP, Strategy and Innovation, VNS Health | |
14:00 | Focus on Learning & Skills | Envisioning AI-powered MicroLearning for Clinicians |
Prof Ralucca Gera | Professor – Naval Post Graduate School, Monterrey | |
Dr Osama El Hassan | GCC (UAE) | |
14:30 | Break | |
15:00 | Matt Kull | SVP/CDO – Innova Health System |
15:30 | Focus on Digital Nursing | |
Romina Elias | Chief Nursing Informatics Officer – Dell Technologies | |
Fintan Sheerin | Professor of Nursing – Maynooth University | |
Vaishali Kamat | Pocus Lead, GE Healthcare |
Agenda DAY 2 (25th)
08:30 | Welcome Address and Program Review | |
Prof Martin Curley | Director of Digital Health Ecosystem – IVI & Maynooth University | |
Ryl Jensen | Chief Executive Officer – Digital Health Association, New Zealand | |
Dr John Sheehan | Clinical Director, Mobile Medical Diagnostics & Consultant Radiologist, Blackrock Health | |
Russ Branzell | President & Chief Executive Officer – CHIME | |
08:45 | Opening Keynote | |
Aaron Miri | SVP & Chief Digital & Information Officer – Baptist Health | |
09:15 | Panel 1 | Africa’s Role in the Digital Health Transition |
Dr. Rasha Rady | Co-founder – Chefaa | |
Mara Hansen-Staples | Founder at Salient Advisory | |
Prof Prashant Yadav | INSEAD | |
Souwelimatou Amadou Amani | Chair – Girls Engaged in Medicine and Sciences (GEMS-Niger) | |
10:00 | Global Ted Talks | |
Derrick Muneene |
Dept of Digital Health & Innovation – World Health Organization |
Antonio Spina |
Digital Health, AI and Data Lead, World Economic Forum |
10:30 | Break | |
11:00 | Panel 2 | Can Open Source EHR software deliver better health equity and health IT economics and functionality |
Stephen Nielson |
Lead Community Developer, Open-EMR |
Maxine Radcliffe | Clinician and Research Associate, Innovation Value Institute (IVI) | |
Prof Anthony Staines | Dublin City University – Ireland | |
Pete Boyd | CEO- OpenPlanIT | |
11:30 |
Fireside Chat: Stay Left and the Unified Care Model – by Zoom |
Yeuk Fan NG | Head of Corporate Development – Yishun Health | |
12:00 | Lunch | |
13:00 | Track Sessions | |
16:00 | Break and Transition | |
16:15 | Closing Keynote | |
Jon Manis | SVP/ Chief Information Officer, Christus Health | |
16:45 | Closing Remarks | |
Russ Branzell | President & Chief Executive Officer – CHIME | |
Ryl Jensen | Chief Executive Officer – Digital Health Association, New Zealand | |
Dr John Sheehan | Clinical Director, Mobile Medical Diagnostics & Consultant Radiologist, Blackrock Health | |
17:15 | Reception (10 minute walk) |
Northwell Health/ Maynooth University Manhattan Eye, Ear & Throat Hospital 210 East 64th Street New York, NY 10065 United States |
Track Session – Best Practice |
13:00 |
Aaron Miri |
SVP & Chief Digital & Information Officer – Baptist Health |
13:15 |
Rasu Shrestha |
EVP/Chief Innovation and Commercialization Officer – Advocate Health |
13:30 |
Jon Manis |
SVP/ Chief Information Officer, Christus Health |
13:45 |
Prof Judy Kurianski |
Professor Columbia University & Author Resilience Health |
14:00 |
David Toohey |
Chief Executive Officer – Syncrophi Systems Ltd |
14:15 |
Alain Labrique |
Director, Dept of Digital Health & Innovation – WHO |
14:30 |
Break |
15:00 |
Peter Sogaard |
Clinical Professor Cardiology – Aalborg University Hospital & Ventriject |
15:30 |
Mark Hilz |
HeartSciences |
Track Session- Digital Health | ||
13:00 | 5 Digi Techs – HeartSciences, Syncrophi, OpenPlanIT | |
Mark Hilz | Chief Operating Officer, HeartSciences | |
David Toohey | Chief Executive Officer, Syncrophi Systems Ltd | |
Pete Boyd | CEO and MD, Open Plan IT Ltd | |
Maxine Radcliffe |
Clinician and Research Associate, Innovation Value Institute (IVI)
13:30 | 5 Digi Techs – Seismofit, Digicare | |
Peter Sogaard | Clinical Professor Cardiology – Aalborg University Hospital & Ventriject | |
Ade Stack | Managing Director at Stacks Pharmacy Group | |
14:00 | Standards, Regulation, Legislation in Digital Health | |
Elise Anthony | ONC | |
Nollag Conneelly | PrivacyEngine | |
14:30 | Break | |
15:00 | Advances in Cardiovascular – AI and Digital Health in extremes, 2 *Ted Talks | |
Karen Kelly | CEO – Heartpath | |
Tico Blumenthal |
Digital Health Innovator |
15:30 | Implementation Science | |
Mark Hindle | Vice President EMEA – Orion Health | |
Carolyn Steel Gray | Sinai Canada |
Track Session – AI/Tech |
13:00 |
Tressa Springmann |
SVP/ Chief Information Officer, Lifebridge Health |
13:30 |
Israel Krush |
Chief Executive Officer/ President – HyroAI |
14:00 |
Adam Walzcak |
Deputy Director – John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct |
14:30 |
Break |
15:00 |
Aaron Hillman |
Philips Healthcare |
15:30 |
Advanced Technology & Virtual Reality |
Raghu Dharmaraju |
CEO, ARTPARK at IISc, Bangalore |
Prof Harmehr Sekhon |
McGill University |
Chuck House (video) |
AstroVirtual |
Agenda DAY 3 (26th)
08:15 |
Check-in |
09:00 |
Welcome by Co-Chairs |
Prof Falguni Sen |
Director of the Global Healthcare Innovation Management Center; Professor Strategy and Statistics, Fordham University, Gabelli School of Business |
Prof Martin Curley |
Director of Digital Health Ecosystem – IVI & Maynooth University |
09:10 |
Introduction |
Prof Lerzan Aksoy |
Dean, George N. Jean Ph.D. Chair, Professor of Marketing, Fordham University, Gabelli School of Business |
09:15 |
Introduction to GHIM Center |
Prof Falguni Sen |
09:25 |
Stay Left, Shift Left-10X & AI |
Prof Martin Curley |
09:45 |
Generative AI as a Strategic Option Within Healthcare Organizations |
Prof Navid Asgari |
Associate Director of the Global Healthcare Innovation Management Center; Associate Professor, Grose Family Endowed Chair in Business, Fordham University, Gabelli School of Business |
10:05 |
An AI Adoption Capability Maturity Framework |
Richard A D Jones |
President, C2-Ai |
Prof Martin Curley |
10:25 |
The Future of AI in Healthcare and a Companion That Helps You Get There |
Dr John Sheehan |
Clinical Director, Mobile Medical Diagnostics & Consultant Radiologist, Blackrock Health |
10:45 |
Break |
11:10 |
Keynote 1: AI for the Human Touch: Empowering Healthcare Professionals and Enhancing Patient Care |
Jan Beger |
Head of AI Advocacy – GE Healthcare |
Dr Anand Iyer |
Chief AI Officer – WellDoc |
Sanjay Doddamani |
Founder and Chief Executive Officer – Guidehealth |
11:55 |
Keynote 2: AI in Diagnostics |
Vidur Mahajan, M.D. |
Chief Executive Officer – |
Ryl Jensen |
Chief Executive Officer – Digital Health Association, New Zealand |
Dr John Sheehan |
12:25 |
Lunch |
13:45 |
Keynote 3: AI in Drug Discovery |
Dr Stanley Shaw, M.D.
Associate Vice President – Digital Medicine Amgen |
Prof Navid Asgari |
14:30 |
Keynote 4: Investing in AI for Healthcare |
Richard Mulry
President and Chief Executive Officer – Northwell Holdings & Ventures |
Prof Falguni Sen |
15:15 |
Break |
15:45 |
Regulations and Entrepreneurship in AI in Healthcare |
Sean Khozin, M.D.
Chief Executive Officer – Roundtable on Cancer; Founder – Phyusion |
Prof Doni Bloomfield, J.D. |
Associate Professor of Law, Fordham University, School of Law |
16:45 |
Closing Summary |
Prof Falguni Sen |
Prof Martin Curley |
17:00 |
Reception |
Invited Speakers & Panelists

Professor Martin Curley

Professor Eeva Leinonen

Rasu Shestra, MD

Dr Jerome Adams

Professor Alain Labrique

Dr Bernardo Mariano Joaquim Junior

Ryl Jensen

Russell P. Branzell

Gail Boudreaux

Dr John Sheehan

Romita Ghosh

Professor Falguni Sen

Professor Pam Cipriano

Elaine Brennan

Daniel Barchi

Doreen Bogdan-Martin

Dr Monika Suryavanshi

Professor Judy Kuriansky

Dr NG Yeuk Fan

Professor Patricia (Patty) Mechael

Dr Carolyn Steele Gray

Professor Ralucca Gera

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite

Dr Ngozi Ezike

Carolyn Gullery

Dr Osama El Hassan

Adam Walczak

Richard A. D. Jones

Romina Elias

Hani Eskandar

Dr. Harmehr Sekhon

Dr Katia Passerini
More speakers will be announced soon.
Symposium Sponsors
Hotel Recommendation

Concorde Hotel New York
127 East 55th Street New York New York 10022 US
6 minutes’ walk from the UJA conference centre
Book here.
Residence Inn New York Manhattan/Midtown East
148 East 48th Street New York, New York, USA, 10017
15 minutes’ walk from the UJA conference centre
Book here.

Courtyard New York Manhattan/Midtown East
The Shelburne Sonesta New York
303 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10016
10 minutes’ walk from the UJA conference centre
Book here.

The Shoreham Hotel
Empire Hotel New York
44 W 63rd Street, New York, New York, United States, 10023
For attendees who will attend the third day at Fordham University, please click here to make the booking.