About this Study. The Innovation Value Institute (IVI), the Centre of Excellence for Digital Transformation in Maynooth University in Ireland, has been commissioned and funded by EY, a long-time member of IVI’s industry consortium, to undertake an information protection benchmarking study of the investment fund sector.

Purpose of the Study. The study is concerned with evaluating information protection practices among leading investment fund management institutions to create a benchmark of current best practice within the market sector.

What will the study involve? The study will involve an online survey and an interview on Microsoft Teams exploring various aspects of the topic. The survey should take about 45 minutes to complete; the interview will take about half an hour to complete.

What information will be collected? The research techniques (quantitative data gathering by online survey and qualitative semi-structured interview) will be used to gather non sensitive information from adults regarding their views on aspects of their professional activities as senior leaders in international investment institutions with regard to information protection practice. Gathered research data will adhere to the provisions in the Maynooth University Online Surveys User Policy, and comply with relevant Irish Data Protection legislation, and the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

Will your participation in the study be kept confidential? Yes, all information that is collected during the course of the research will be kept confidential. No names or distinguishing characteristics will be identified at any time. All physical copy information will be held in a locked cabinet in IVI’s facility on campus in Maynooth University. Electronic information will be encrypted and held securely on MU computers or servers and will be accessed only by nominated IVI staff.

No information will be distributed to any other unauthorised individual or third party. If you so wish, the data that you provide can also be made available to you at your own discretion.

It must be recognised that, in some circumstances, confidentiality of research data and records may be overridden by courts in the event of litigation or in the course of investigation by lawful authority. In such circumstances the University will take all reasonable steps within law to ensure that confidentiality is maintained to the greatest possible extent.

What will happen to the information which you give? All the information you provide is subject to a non-disclosure agreement. It will be stored at the Innovation Value Institute in Maynooth University in such a way that it will not be possible to identify you or your organisation. Upon completion of the research, all data will be destroyed by nominated IVI staff members. Physical data will be shredded using the University’s confidential document disposal service, and electronic data will be purged in such a manner as it will be irretrievable.

What will happen to the results? The research will be written up and presented as a benchmark report, and a summary report. A copy of the benchmark report findings will be made available to you and your organisation upon request. The information will not be disseminated in the public domain.

What are the possible disadvantages of taking part? We do not envisage any negative consequences for you or your organisation in taking part.

What if there is a problem? At the end of the process, we will discuss with you how you found the experience. You may contact IVI Director Prof. Markus Helfert (markus.helfert@mu.ie) if you feel the research has not been carried out as described above.

Any further queries?  If you need any further information, you can contact the Innovation Value Institute, +353 (1) 708 6916, or (info@ivi.ie)

If you wish to take part, please download and complete the full Information Sheet Consent Form IVI June 2022 and return to info@ivi.ie.