Shaping an innovative mobility and payment service for 2025
Thursday Nov 14th 2019 Maynooth University Register your interest nowWhy Participate?
There is no doubt that the mobility sector will look significantly different within the next 5 years. Technological advances enabling modern e-cars, ride-sharing and autonomous/augmented driving etc. are reshaping mobility services and individual transportation experiences. By 2030 it is forecast that global mobility as a Service Revenues will exceed $1 Trillion.
These changes will challenge established business models and revenue streams for existing stakeholders as well as open up opportunities for new stakeholders within the mobility sector. Current mobility providers such as car rental and car sharing organisations will need to redefine their role. New stakeholders, such as digital payment providers (e.g. WeChat Pay in China) and B2B payment platforms will become key players. Furthermore, with e-mobility becoming mainstream, different charging mechanisms will need to be established that involve energy and infrastructure providers, payment service providers and the city and local councils. As new technologies are deployed and increasingly adopted, they will disrupt established processes, value propositions and revenue streams. Emission and time-based charging of mobility services and car sharing are just some of the scenarios that need to be considered.
With the aim of shaping a vision for 2025, this workshop will analyse and discuss possible scenarios, options and challenges ahead. With a small group of experts and leaders, we seek to define the mobility and payment value network and ecosystem, business models and enabling technologies. We will identify a possible strategy and action plan to position key stakeholders ahead of the competition.
With the aim of shaping a vision for 2025, this workshop will analyse and discuss possible scenarios, options and challenges ahead. With a small group of experts and leaders, we seek to define the mobility and payment value network and ecosystem, business models and enabling technologies. We will identify a possible strategy and action plan to position key stakeholders ahead of the competition.
Forming a focused research initiative
Who should attend?
This is an invitation-only event for select senior leaders, business unit leaders, programme managers, Innovation leaders across the spectrum of the mobility and payment services value chain.
- Possible scenarios and value network(s)
- Prioritisation of challenges
- Action plan to address key challenges
The Facilitators
Your Hosts
The Innovation Value Institute (IVI) is a multidisciplinary research and education institute co-founded in 2006 by Maynooth University and Intel Corporation with the support of the Irish Government.
IVI’s mission is to research, develop and disseminate empirically proven and industry validated IT best practice through a unique open innovation and collaboration between leading academic and industry practitioners.
FinTech Fusion is a key player in a new realm of FinTech research with an ambitious research programme that initially united 13 industry partners from financial service organisations, insurance providers, multinational technology firms and indigenous start-ups, with 7 universities across three SFI research centres, ADAPT, Insight and Lero. It is the authentic partnership of these entities that drives ground breaking innovation in FinTech. Addressing challenges in PayTech, RegTech and InsureTech, FinTech Fusion presents a unique opportunity to leverage existing competencies in digital content, data analytics, software and security in a new way through partnership with companies such as Deutsche Börse, Fidelity Investments, Zurich, Accenture, Pramerica, Citi and FINEOS. Since the launch of FinTech Fusion, companies have commenced their exploration of the use of AI, machine learning and blockchain.
View Agenda
09:00 – 09:15 | Agenda and Introductions |
09:15 – 09:50 |
Focused Learning: (pres. Prof. Markus Helfert, IVI) Setting the Scene: Why we must change: the need to reshape the value chain (based on government / EU report) |
09:50 – 10:20 |
Facilitated Group Discussion Imagining the Payment & Mobility Value Network (PMVN) in 2025; key players in the Ecosystem. Analysing business scenarios, options, and challenges for the next five years |
10:20 – 11:00 |
Discovery Session Using Root Cause Analysis, identify |
11:00 – 11:30 |
Case study “Maximum Simplicity”: A Look at Line and Nomura’s Zero-Commission Online Brokerage in Japan |
11:30 – 12:30 |
Focused Learning: Defining Disruption & Future PMVN Service Innovation |
12:30 – 13:00 | Lunch |
13:00 – 13:15 |
Case Study The role of technological innovation in the Payments & M Value Chain |
13:15 – 13:45 | Design Activity: Design a prototype PMVN service for your business |
13:45 – 14:15 |
Activity Prioritisation of PMVN services for your business |
14:15 – 14:30 |
Focussed Learning IVI Research Engagement & Support (the Fintech Fusion / engagement model) |
14:30 – 15:00 |
Beginning your 2025 Improvement Journey: outlining the IVI Research Engagement Action Plan Reflect on today’s learnings / Key takeaways |
15:00 – 15:00 | Wrap & Close |
The location:
Thursday Nov 14th 2019
Maynooth University
Innovation Value Institute, 2nd Floor,
Eolas Building,
North Campus,
Maynooth University